Russia seeks to downplay Ukrainian advances near Kherson, ISW report says

A Ukrainian soldier on the front line in Donbas
A Ukrainian soldier on the front line in Donbas

Read also: Ukrainian army pushes Russian Donetsk proxy forces, Russian paratroopers from first line of defense in Kherson

According to ISW analysts, Russian media has claimed that the counteroffensive has “failed,” while numerous Russian military bloggers reported a variety of Ukrainian attacks “along the entire southern frontline.”

“… the information space will likely become confused for a time due to panic among Russian sources,” ISW said.

The think-tank noted that it can’t independently verify Ukraine capturing several settlements in Kherson Oblast – as reported by CNN. This translates to battlefield maps not yet including the supposed recent Ukrainian breakthroughs.

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Nevertheless, the withdrawal of the so-called 109 th DNR Regiment from western Kherson Oblast could indicate that Ukrainian troops have crossed the Inhulets River and are pushing towards Arkhanhelske. ISW added that, according to the Russian Telegram messenger-based military blog Grey Zone, Ukrainian forces advanced 6km from their bridgehead over the Inhulets River and seized the Sukhyi Stavok.

Read also: Kherson journalist on Antonivskiy Bridge and situation in region – interview

Other key takeaways:

  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi announced that the IAEA mission to the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant left for the plant;

  • Russian forces conducted limited ground assaults north of Slovyansk, southeast of Siversk, south of Bakhmut, and in western Donetsk Oblast;

  • Russian forces continued efforts to advance from Donetsk City;

  • Russian forces did not conduct any confirmed ground attacks in northeastern Kharkiv Oblast;

  • Russian forces conducted a limited ground assault in northwestern Kherson Oblast;

  • Russian federal subjects continue efforts to form new battalions, attract new recruits, and coerce conscripts into signing military contracts;

  • Ukrainian partisan activity continues to threaten Russian occupation authorities’ control in occupied territories.

Russia's war against Ukraine: map of hostilities

<span class="copyright">Infographic: ISW</span>
Infographic: ISW

Battles and offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the south of Ukraine: map of combat operations (Kherson, Mykolaiv Oblasts)

<span class="copyright">Infographic: ISW</span>
Infographic: ISW

Battles in Donbas: map

<span class="copyright">Infographic: ISW</span>
Infographic: ISW

Battles in the Kharkiv Oblast: map

<span class="copyright">Infographic: ISW</span>
Infographic: ISW

Read the original article on The New Voice of Ukraine