Russian push against Ukrainian offensive in Kherson Oblast fails

The General Staff reported what is happening in the south of Ukraine
The General Staff reported what is happening in the south of Ukraine

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Shelling was also recorded near settlements in the area of Kherson city, as well as along the contact line of the Ukrainian counter-offensive into Kherson Oblast.

Enemy aircraft are said to have launched an airstrike near the village of Andriivka, north of Kherson.

Russian drones are reported to have been spotted in Kherson city itself.

Read also: Russia seeks to downplay Ukrainian advances near Kherson, ISW report says

Meanwhile, the Russian navy in the Black and Azov Seas continue to conduct reconnaissance and interdict civilian shipping. Kalibr sea-based cruise missile carriers are ready on stand-by, the General Staff adds, noting that Russia still possesses the capability of striking the entirety of the territory of Ukraine.

Read also: Russia blocks expansion of NPT, Moscow pensioner is “hypnotized” to attack general’s car, and the view from Kherson

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