Ryan accuses Vance of 'peddling' the 'Great Replacement Theory' during Ohio debate

Tim Ryan and J.D. Vance on the debate stage.

Diametrically opposed Ohio congressional candidates Rep. Tim Ryan (D) and author J.D. Vance engaged in their second and final debate Monday night, with perhaps the most tense moment of the evening arriving as the Senate hopefuls sparred over racism.

Asked about the "Great Replacement Theory," or a white supremacist ideology that's believed to have motivated multiple mass shootings, Ryan vehemently condemned such beliefs before accusing Vance of agreeing with the theory and "peddling" its preachings, citing the "extremists" Vance "runs around with" — Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Fla.), and "all these guys" that want to "stoke this racial violence."

"We're tired of it, J.D.," Ryan added.

Vance eventually interrupted Ryan, claiming such accusations lead to attacks against his family. "I'll tell you what happens, Tim," Vance said. "My own children, my biracial children, get attacked by scumbags online and in person because you are so desperate for political power that you'll accuse me, the father of three beautiful biracial babies, of engaging in racism. We are sick of it." Vance's wife is Indian American, per Axios.

Presumably in an effort to back up his claims, Ryan's campaign shared a video on Twitter captioned, "J.D. Vance stood up for [far-right conspiracy theorist] Alex Jones." In the clip, Axios notes, Vance can be seen clarifying a Sept. 5 tweet in which he wrote, "Alex Jones is a far more reputable source of information than Rachel Maddow."

The pair also sparred Monday over abortion and "the problems of their national parties," writes The New York Times.

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