Sacramento freezing temps: Prepare your plants, pipes and power for cold temperatures

Sacramento is bracing for more freezing overnight temperatures to end January.

During a freeze warning last year, the National Weather Service shared tips on how residents can prepare for the cold weather:

  • Prevent pipes from freezing by letting cold water trickle from the faucet

  • Open cabinet doors so warm air can circulate around the plumbing, a government resource that helps people prepare for emergencies and natural disasters, also outlines tips on how to brace for the cold:

  • Install and test smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors

  • Gather supplies in case of a power outage

It also recommends that people:

  • Avoid driving in dangerous conditions, if possible, and limit time outdoors.

  • If you need to be outside, wear warm clothes and be aware of frostbite and hypothermia symptoms

Other tips from, include the following:

  • Do not heat your home with a gas stove or oven as there is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning

  • Create an emergency supply kit for your home, car and workplace. It should include jumper cables, water, blankets, non-perishable foods and flashlights.

  • Keep a full tank of gas

Protect your plants

Freezing cold temperatures can also damage or kill some plants, according to the weather service. If you have a garden, you can protect it from frost by covering it with row covers or bedsheets.

According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, you should also protect your plants’ soil by adding organic matter on the surface before covering it to avoid erosion and to feed the soil.

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