Safe Harbor celebrates Safe Place Week, kicks off campaign

Mar. 24—Safe Harbor Center is working with local partners this week to bring attention to how the national Safe Place program aims to protect youth across the country and in the Golden Isles.

Safe Harbor is celebrating National Safe Place Week, which kicked off Monday with a ceremony at Zach's Place, a runaway and homeless youth emergency shelter in Brunswick.

At Zach's Place, children receive temporary housing, food, clothing, health care and counseling.

The Safe Place program brings together youth service agencies, businesses, volunteers and other community partners to help youth in crisis. Yellow Safe Place signs in windows and outside buildings indicate places youth in crisis can go to find someone trained in connecting them with a safe place to receive shelter or aid.

Safe Harbor offers numerous programs in the community that provide support to children and families, including a children's shelter, an advocacy center, a family preservation program and a student outreach program.

Last year, the nonprofit served more than 2,200 local children and families.

Safe Harbor will also soon kick off a new philanthropic competition to support at-risk youth in this community.

The Champions for Children campaign invites local leaders to compete and educate the community about Safe Harbor's programs, the local need for these types of programs and the need for philanthropic support.

The campaign will begin March 29 at an exclusive event at Ocean Forest, followed by eight weeks of individual campaigning. It will culminate with a party on May 17 at Queen and Grant in downtown Brunswick, where the "Ultimate Champion" will be announced.

"Our goal is to create a better future for the children and youth in our community, and we can't do it alone," said Michelle Fasig, director of development and marketing at Safe Harbor Center. "We are excited to have local leaders participate in the Champions for Children campaign, and we urge the community to support them and join us in making a positive impact on the lives of children and youth in our community."

For each dollar donated, the candidate will receive one vote. The candidate with the most votes by the end of the campaign will be crowned the Ultimate Champion for Children.

To donate to Safe Harbor Center or learn more about the initiative, call 912-267-6000.