Saints Peter & Paul Catholic School

Specialization if any: Catholic

Address, phone and website: 1435 SW 12 Ave. Miami, FL 33129, 305-858-3722,

Grades taught: PK3-8th

Number of students in the school: 375

Average class size: 20

Student-teacher ratio: Varies

Annual tuition: $8,446, PreK3-PreK4; $8,652, K-2nd; $8,827, third-fifth; $9,012, sixth-eighth

Application deadline: Ongoing

Affiliations (religious, geographic limits): Roman Catholic

Number of varsity sports teams, with a list of them: 11-Girls and Boys Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, Flag Football, Baseball, Softball, Track and Field, Cross Country

Number of student-led, faculty-supported clubs, with a list of no more than seven: 6- Journalism, Safety Patrols, Yearbook, Student Government, National Junior Honor Society, Art

Percentage of students who identify as Hispanic, Black or multicultural: 85%

Percentage of students who receive financial aid; average grant/scholarship size: 80%

Accrediting body of school: Florida Catholic Conference

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