Salmonella outbreaks tied to backyard chickens, birds in Iowa and 37 other states

Iowa is one of 38 states where state and federal public health officials are investigating more than 200 cases of backyard birds sickened by salmonella.

Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that 10 Iowans were sickened by salmonella after working with their backyard flocks.

Nationwide, 219 illness have been reported and 27 people have been hospitalized, the CDC reported. One in four sick people are children younger than 5, the agency said. One death was reported in Tennessee.

The true number of sick people is likely much higher, as many recover without medical care and are not tested for salmonella, the CDC said.

Nearly 220 people in the U.S., including 10 in Iowa, have been infected with salmonella, tied to backyard flocks. Public health officials urge families to take precautions, including washing hands and limiting toddlers exposure to birds, to prevent becoming ill.
Nearly 220 people in the U.S., including 10 in Iowa, have been infected with salmonella, tied to backyard flocks. Public health officials urge families to take precautions, including washing hands and limiting toddlers exposure to birds, to prevent becoming ill.

Backyard poultry, like chickens and ducks, can carry salmonella germs even if they look healthy and clean, the agency said. Flock owners can get sick from touching backyard flocks or anything in the birds' environment and then touching their mouth or food.

MORE: Is Iowa past the threat of another bird flu outbreak? Here's what you need to know

The CDC says salmonella outbreaks occur annually and coincide with the increase in baby poultry purchases, beginning in the spring. Last year, a total of 1,135 people got sick from contact with backyard poultry.

The salmonella outbreaks are not related to recent cases of bird flu viruses detected in U.S. wild birds and poultry, the CDC says. However, backyard poultry owners should be aware that steps needed to stay healthy around their flocks are similar for both diseases.

How to help prevent salmonella when handling chickens, birds

The CDC recommends backyard flock owners:

  • Always wash their hands for 20 seconds after touching birds and their supplies or after collecting eggs.

  • Wear a pair of dedicated shoes or boots in the coop and don’t wear them inside the house.

  • Keep birds and supplies outside the house to prevent spreading germs inside.

  • Don’t let children younger than 5 touch the birds, including chicks and ducklings, or anything in the area where the birds live and roam. This helps protect young children from getting sick, as their immune systems are still developing, and are more likely to put items in their mouths or not wash hands fully.

Most people infected with salmonella can develop diarrhea, fever and stomach cramps six hours to six days after being exposed to the bacteria, the CDC says. The illness usually lasts four to seven days, and most people recover without treatment.

In some people, the illness may be so severe that the patient is hospitalized.

Children younger than 5, adults 65 and older, and people with weakened immune systems are more likely to have severe illness.

Donnelle Eller covers agriculture, the environment and energy for the Register. Reach her at or 515-284-8457. 

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Salmonella outbreak in Iowa, 37 other states, tied to backyard birds
