Samsung Adds Support for Blockchain VR Platform Decentraland

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Global tech giant Samsung is adding support for blockchain-based virtual world Decentraland to its wallet app.

  • The Ethereum-powered platform allows users to monetize and build a virtual world using non-fungible tokens (NFTs), or crypto collectibles.

  • According to a Decentraland announcement on Monday, the platform’s native tokens, LAND and MANA, are now supported by the Samsung Blockchain Wallet App.

  • Non-fungible LAND tokens represent parcels of virtual real estate, according to the marketplace’s website, making it easy to trade land parcels with other Decentraland inhabitants.

  • Fungible MANA tokens, based on the ERC-20 standard, are used to make in-game purchases and are burned (destroyed) in order to buy LAND.

  • A 3D virtual world in the vein of Second Life, Decentraland differs in that it is owned by its users, co-founder Esteban Ordano previously told CoinDesk.

  • Samsung unveiled a cryptocurrency wallet in early March 2019 for its flagship phone at the time, the Galaxy S10.

  • The tech giant has expanded support for cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects across its more budget-friendly-phones, where it has also continued adding dapps in its Blockchain Keystore.

  • CoinDesk reached out to Samsung for more information but did not receive a reply by press time.

See also: The People of Decentraland Will Greet You Now

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