San Francisco Holding Early Meetings To Explore Potential HBCU Satellite Campus

San Francisco Holding Early Meetings To Explore Potential HBCU Satellite Campus | Visual Vic
San Francisco Holding Early Meetings To Explore Potential HBCU Satellite Campus | Visual Vic

The Human Rights Commission is advocating for a satellite HBCU campus in San Francisco.

Sheryl Davis, the executive director of the San Francisco Human Rights Commission, is currently in talks with the City Attorney’s Office to push for the initiative. She is hoping to begin talks with supervisors in the next few months, according to Mission Local.

The plan is still in its initial phases, she noted. Davis has been leading discussions with HBCUs such as Tuskegee University, the University of the District of Columbia and Howard University.

San Francisco would have to partner with one of the 103 existing HBCUs, as institutions designated as such were established before the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The news comes as San Francisco made cuts of around $75 million to its budget in December. This led to a planned reparations office being eliminated — putting the initiative off the table. 

“I want to apologize to the Black community that we don’t have more to announce tonight,” committee member Gloria Berry said on Monday during a final meeting on Monday.

Davis assured the work is not over.

“The committee is sunsetting, but the work continues,” she said.