Sanitation and sewer focus in Flatwoods

Dec. 6—FLATWOODS — The Flatwoods City Council convened for the December meeting, which addressed first readings and authorizations.

Mayor Buford Hurley II added an ordinance to the original agenda to set sanitation rates for 2024-25.

City Attorney Stephen McGinnis read the first ordinance to the council.

McGinnis said, "An ordinance of the city of Flatwoods, Kentucky, awarding to Rumpke waste and recycling, a two-year exclusive franchise for the pick-up and disposal of residential garbage within the city limits of Flatwoods ... setting the rate for pickup of residential garbage and refuse at $13 per month and for optional recycling setting said rate at $10 per month."

Hurley announced the second ordinance pertaining to establishing and setting a "tangible tax rate" for the year of the fiscal year of 2024-25.

Hurley announced the third ordinance of approving Kentucky Infrastructure Authority loan funds for a $450,000 sewer project.

The council voted to authorize the mayor to enter into an auto aid agreement with Little Sandy Fire Department.

The last item on the agenda was "approving the mayor to bid an unfunded sports complex project to an engineering firm, with the understanding of no financial commitment for the project or firm unless funding can be secured."

Hurley said to attendees and council members, "It may seem odd, but hear me out on it ... we want to try and get some direct funding and raise some private funding to try and get that project off the ground.

"Then if we can go ahead and award this to an unfunded project, to an engineer, that way they can help us raise some money and also take care of that project as well."

The department heads approached the council with monthly reports.

Flatwoods Police Department received 327 total calls for service, Animal Control received 34 complaints, and the fire department fielded 38 calls in the month of November.

Fire Chief Brent Dean said in the last three years, he has noticed an uptick and increase in calls to the department for services.

"We're on pace to break our record for the amount of calls we run," Dean said. "We broke it last year and, to be honest with you, we broke it for the last three years in a row.

"The previous amount of calls we had last year was 380 and as of the first of December, we were at 389."

Dean told the council the AFG grant of which they were approved by council to apply for is complete.

"It's been turned in to the federal fire administration; the total amount we asked for was $147,900 and is for new vehicle equipment" to replace equipment on Engine 1 and Engine 3.

Flatwoods Police Chief David Smith reported nine thefts, one burglary, 10 domestics, 32 traffic stops, 15 alarm calls, 30 citations, 17 arrests, 11 alcohol-involved, seven drug-involved, seven cases opened, six cases closed, 13 incident reports and nine collisions.

Hurley said a lawsuit of $5,000 has been settled and he believes it ended in a "good deal."

Hurley said, "We did close out the lawsuit over the billboard sign on Bellefonte Road, that was going to be as high as $100,000; that was a good deal."

Other highlights from the meeting:

-Dean invited the council to the annual Christmas dinner taking place at 6 p.m. this Saturday, Dec. 9.

-Smith told the council the K9 is on its way to graduation set for Dec. 20.

-Hurley said the sidewalk project is 75% complete. "It's moving right along," he said. "It's going to look really nice."

Hurley said new police vests are in and have been issued to the officers.