Saturday: Gospel on Cronly Street

Sep. 15—LAURINBURG — The streets of downtown Laurinburg will be booming with sounds of praise as the Living Water Christian Resources, LLC bookstore teams up with Total Women Outreach Ministry to bring gospel music groups to offer a concert and more.

The event will be held outdoors Saturday on Cronly Street beside the book store and will be from noon until 8 p.m.

"Two of our headliners are the Helen Miller Best and Biney English Family Ministry," said Event Coordinator Janie Adams. "This event started as a fundraiser to help our gospel bookstore and Total Women Outreach raise some much-needed funds to keep our ministry doors open.

"It has evolved into a community event that highlights our motto, 'Kingdom-minded for kingdom relationships," continued Adams. "We believe we will experience a taste of heaven on Saturday as people from all over the community join in a time of food, fun, fellowship and most importantly giving praise to God for all He has done."

This event, according to Adams will be a gospel singing talent competition-type event. There will also be food vendors, clothing vendors and jewelry vendors. We will also be local authors inside the store for anyone who would like to see their writings or get a book signed.

"We will be giving out trophies and awards and we have guest judges," Adams said. "Not only will our organizations be raising funds, but we are including the opportunity for churches or other organizations to as well.

"We are inviting others that would like to set up food vendors for the day to contact us," added Adams. "We are asking for a donation of $75 and what money they make on their food sales is theirs."

Adams also said there is limited space for this event and vendor slots are on a first come first serve basis.

"We are also contacting businesses for donations towards an Ad Book that will be given out the day of the event and displayed in local businesses," said Adams.

The two partnering groups have asked that anyone in attendance follow safety guidelines to help keep everyone safe.

"We will have hand sanitizer available and we ask that everyone practice social distancing and wear their mask when needed," said Adams. "We also ask that everyone who goes inside the book store respect each other and wear a mask."

For information on the event or to ask about being a vendor, call Living Water Christian Resources at 910-276-0918 or Janie Adams at 910-217-7350.

"Unfortunately, we can not take any more food vendors — however, crafters or other types of vendors should feel free to call," Adams said.

JJ Melton can be reached at [email protected]