Is the Savannah Police officer shortage just part of a national trend? We take a closer look

Editor's note: The following article is part of an ongoing series that takes an in-depth look at law enforcement in Savannah, from the police to the jail to the District Attorney. This piece explores how police have raised the red flag around staffing shortages and their affect on officer workload and retention. 

For fiscal year 2022, the Savannah Police Department was budgeted for a total of 537 uniformed positions. As of June 22, only 416 have been filled, leaving a vacancy of 121 officers to patrol the streets, conduct traffic stops and control flow, and prevent and investigate crimes.

Of the officer deficit, all vacancies fall in the corporal and officer ranks. There are 21 police officer candidates in training to fill 17% of the vacancies, and another 20 of the police officer positions have been frozen to fund community services officer, Board of Education officers, and police forensic technician positions.

Current and former police officers have raised concerns about the staffing shortage and its affect on workloads, mental health, and efficacy through a 77-officer human resources complaint filed in April 2020, a staff survey conducted between November and December 2021, and 47 exit interviews of officers who resigned, retired or were fired between 2020 and 2021 — all of which the Savannah Morning News has reviewed.

Other reporting into William Harvey's death last year while in police custody reveals that workload fatigue may have contributed to procedural errors that resulted in his being left alone in an interview room, unsupervised, for eight minutes.

Harvey Case: Savannah Police dismissals in William Harvey's death highlight frustrations with leadership

These shortages and the resulting fallout persist at a time when violent crimes have risen in the city by 24% in the past two years and the potential departure of Chief Roy Minter, who is being considered by the Biden Administration for an appointment to the U.S. Marshals Service.

SPD's vacancy rate of 18.62% is more than double the national rate.

When Savannah Mayor Van Johnson asked Minter about SPD staff shortages during a March 10 city council meeting, Minter said, “I’m sure you and the council members are aware of the issues nationwide with the retention and recruitment of law enforcement officers…Everybody in the country is struggling with recruitment and retention of police officers.”

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Savannah Police officers conduct training on West Congress Street.
Savannah Police officers conduct training on West Congress Street.

Police staffing down 7% nationwide

Minter is right — to a point.

A June 11, 2021 survey of police workforce trends administered by the Police Executive Research Forum indicated police staffing was down approximately 7% across the 194 law enforcement agencies, large to small, that participated in the survey.

SPD's vacancy rate of 18.68% is more than double the national rate.

The survey, which asked for numbers from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021, revealed the resignations (27%) and retirements (45%) both had increased over the previous year, from April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020. This period followed the widespread criticism of policing and calls to abolish and defund police departments that ensued during the summer of 2020, following the police-involved shootings and deaths of Andre Hill, Manuel Ellis, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd, among others.

Although SPD’s overall numbers reflect national trends, the 77-officer signed human resources complaint filed in April 2020 also reveals SPD’s staffing shortage issue as unique. Many officers blamed command staff, specifically Minter, for the staff shortages in the complaint, the staff survey, and exit interviews.

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Of the 56 officers who detailed their grievances in the HR complaint, 50 or almost 90%, mentioned staff shortages, the hiring process and/or the promotional process.

One officer said in the HR complaint, “Retention is an issue within the department, due to lack of ineffective upward communication. There is a divide between the officers who are willing to express their concerns verbally and those who remain silent because they are scared of retaliation. A lot of officers have left the department because their concerns were not taken seriously or addressed properly through feedback.”

Savannah Police Chief Roy Minter talks with Savannah Chatham County Public Schools Campus Police Chief Terry Enoch during an active shooter drill.
Savannah Police Chief Roy Minter talks with Savannah Chatham County Public Schools Campus Police Chief Terry Enoch during an active shooter drill.

Anonymous letter sent to city council

In the HR complaint, an officer recounted that a meeting was called in September 2020 with SPD supervisors to discuss an anonymous letter sent to members of Savannah City Council. During the meeting, according to the complaint, Minter wanted to make it clear he was not the same chief as he was portrayed in the letter. Minter also said, according to the reporting officer, he was open to ideas and encouraged officers to pepper him with questions.

Feeling it would be the ideal time to air his concerns with the chief about young officers leaving the agency, the officer wanted to ask the chief “two direct questions.” But he only was able to ask one: “If you were in my position as a patrol sergeant, what would you tell officers who [have] expressed interest in leaving the department?”

After Minter played an imaginary violin to another officer's other questions, according to the complaint, the officer forewent asking his second question, because he said he feared being labeled a "rabble-rouser."

"What are you telling the officers?” The officer recalled Minter responding.

“I never got a direct answer from the chief," the officer recounted in the complaint. "He simply went into a statement about how the city has invested in beautiful sidewalks, I’m sure we can figure out how to invest in our people. Again, I was not given answer or guidance nor did I feel that my concerns were being taken under advisement.”

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After Minter played an imaginary violin to another officer's other questions, according to the complaint, the officer forewent asking his second question, because he said he feared being labeled a "rabble-rouser."

Exit interviews

The officer's initial question, however, spoke to a growing issue. In the 18 months between the filing of the HR complaint in April 2020 and a city-initiated survey late last year, more than 100 SPD officers left the department.

Exit interviews provided to Savannah Morning News through an Open Records Request help explain why the lowest-ranking positions in SPD are the ones in which the department is also least employed, according to an email from Nick Zoller, director of the city's office of marketing and communications.

Of the 47 exit surveys reviewed, 80% were sworn police officers and most chose to resign. Nearly half of the respondents, 23 of the former SPD officers, were aged 26 through 35, and considered themselves "entry-level." Fourteen were aged 46 to 65, and were considered late-career.

More than 63% of the exit survey respondents were employed with the department fewer than 10 years. Nearly 75% of the respondents had resigned to seek better job opportunities and working conditions. Five were retiring; five others had been fired.

When asked what is one thing they would change about the City of Savannah that would have improved their performance, one officer said in his exit interview, “Staffing and retention. Better briefings for units called to scenes to perform specialized tasks that require basic information of case details. Centralization with municipalities. Consideration of the employee having a family.”

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The Savannah Police Department asked the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to conduct an independent investigation of an officer-involved shooting on April 2, 2022. One man died. No officers were injured.
The Savannah Police Department asked the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to conduct an independent investigation of an officer-involved shooting on April 2, 2022. One man died. No officers were injured.

Persistent issues: pay, working conditions, advancement

Together, the HR complaint, departmental survey and exit interviews point to some persistent issues related to police officer job satisfaction and burnout.

During the March 10 council meeting, Minter told the mayor and aldermen the No. 1 reason officers were leaving was "pay and benefits." He said he heard some nearby departments jump Savannah in terms of pay.

While pay wasn't the top reason officers claimed they left the department in the exit interviews, more than half agreed they weren't fairly compensated for the work they did.

In late fall 2019, one officer said in the HR complaint, a pay increase for SPD personnel was "approved pursuant to the compensations and pay study conducted by the outside agency hired by the City of Savannah."

Many police corporals, the officer reported, saw an increase close to $10,000 per year, depending on their time in grade and in time of service. A pay step system was implemented, the officer said, and individual letters were sent to each person on their step, but how the steps were determined was not explained, and the formula provided was difficult to understand.

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Another officer agreed, adding, “I feel that no effort went into looking at previous experience or performance when the final decision was made where we as individual officers stood... Instead of [addressing how the pay system was implemented and calculated], and [communicating] with us in a timely manner... We don’t know how to move up to the next step or how to acquire the rank of CPL [sic].”

For FY2022, city council addressed the pay equity issue by approving an 8.48% cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for general employees. But, an email obtained by the Savannah Morning News from an officer in December 2021 revealed uniformed officers ended up receiving only a 2.5% COLA plus a one-step increase.

"I implore Mayor Van Johnson, City Manager Jay Melder, and the members of City Council to reconsider the 2022 Budget and include sworn uniformed members in the 8.48% increase," the officer wrote in the email. "The retention rate of the Savannah Police Department is dangerously low and our current staffing is overloading the workload of our current officers. It is hard to keep police officers in this organization because they feel the department and the City of Savannah does not support them. New officers are training new officers because we can not keep our experienced team members. If the inequity of the 2022 Budget is not corrected, it will only empower these beliefs that the City of Savannah does not support their police officers and more officers will resign."

In a January 2022 interview with city/county reporter Katie Nussbaum, City Manager Jay Melder explained the difference in expectations. "We want to make sure our police officers are some of the best paid, certainly in the region. We've made those commitments, and we're going to continue to pay those commitments we've made. So, those step increases are guaranteed for our uniformed officers, and we're going to make good on them. What the COLA increase for our non-uniformed personnel is really about making sure that we've got a competitive pay range for every other sector of our government beyond our first-responders, and that's where I think the city had fallen behind a bit."

Savannah Police Chief Roy Minter waves as he walks along Oglethorpe Avenue on Thursday during the annual Savannah Veterans Day Parade.
Savannah Police Chief Roy Minter waves as he walks along Oglethorpe Avenue on Thursday during the annual Savannah Veterans Day Parade.

Working conditions

Pay raise or not, multiple officers in the HR complaint and exit interviews claimed their workload was overbearing.

One officer said in the HR complaint, “The number of programs and related tasks has become overly burdensome. When these concerns are raised, the Chief dismisses them with the attitude that it is only one more thing... The officers that are tasked with carrying out the tasks are bogged down with an ever-increasing workload and a dismissive attitude toward their concerns.”

Another officer said in the exit interviews, “The schedule simply isn't sustainable for a healthy work-life balance. I have worked in this field before and I know that it can be rewarding enough to deal with the lack of sleep and missed occasions. But the combination of shift work, on-call, and lack of personnel in a unit that is expected to respond to so much is too much. Schedule was changed a few to many times and needed stability with young kids.”

Overtime pay is often an indicator of the workload on police officers. In FY2020, SPD paid out nearly $4.1 million in overtime pay to officers, primarily working patrol and investigations. Overtime pay dipped in FY2021 by almost $965,000, tracking with fewer personnel on the payroll.

Career Advancement

Even if they were able to tackle their caseloads, many officers worried it would have little to no bearing on the future of their career in law enforcement, according to the HR complaint and exit interviews.

One officer said at the end of his HR complaint, “I have written the above because I do still want to continue working as a police officer, and hopefully one day a criminal investigator, but feel at this stage there is a problem with equality and potential for career advancement not only for myself but others in or near my peer group.”

Another officer elaborated, "Lack of organizational structure has created confusion pertaining to career ladder advancement…My career advancement is my future and should be a concern."

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In the HR complaint, several officers expressed that programs created under Minter, such as the warrant squad (SWIFT) and the violent crimes task force, were never opened to all members of the department and were staffed without department-wide announcement, “depriving many of the opportunity of career advancement.”

A majority of those resigning from the department said in their exit interviews that they did not believe promotions/raises were based on performance.

As one officer said in his exit interview, retention is one of the department's three biggest concerns. “We are disposable. Our dedication, skills, and loyalty are disregarded. We are shown and made to feel that we are easily replaced.”

Drew Favakeh is the public safety reporter for Savannah Morning News. You can reach him at

This article originally appeared on Savannah Morning News: Why is Savannah Police short 100-plus officers? Exit interviews offer clues