Saving homes is critical; people are behind lagoon's stench: Letters, Oct. 13, 2022

'Rural lifestyle' amendment can be challenged: Voice your concerns

Although many residents of Martin County protested against the changes to our county comprehensive plan throughout 2022, the commissioners in September passed the rural lifestyle change by a vote of 3 to 2. Those voting for the change were Commissioners Smith and Jenkins (their terms are up in 2024, so do not forget this when you vote).  Also, Commissioner Hetherington was re-elected right before the vote and voted for the change even though she had campaigned for slow growth. (I voted for her and called her office and said I greatly regretted my vote.)  Also, the vote was in September, when seasonal taxpayers and many voters were unaware of the vote.

For those not familiar with the rural lifestyle amendment, it is a change to unincorporated area that could potentially be rezoned for high income development and golf courses. It is all outside the Urban Service District. What Martin County needs is worker housing that will service Martin County.

But the good news is that there is a challenge to this controversial land use at the state level. The challenge is that it violates the county comprehensive plan. Most concerning is whether future proposals will be even worse than the one just approved.

If you love Martin County and love it as it is, please call the commissioners with your concerns. And, please call and thank Commissioners Heard and Ciampi for their "no" votes on the rural Lifestyle vote.

Beverly Anderson, Stuart

With lack of affordable housing here, saving homes is critical

I just read Larry Reisman's column titled "Government inhumanity: Residents to face eviction if Vero Beach can't move FAA."

Surely something can be done to preserve these homes. We all know there is no affordable housing in Vero Beach. Why have we not contacted Bill Posey’s office for help, or any other elected representatives who might assist? Why isn’t this more widely known in Vero Beach?

Just my thoughts, but it has gotten to the point that anything involving our inefficient federal government is a lengthy, frustrating process with more obstacles and bureaucracy than progress. Thank you for trying to bring this to the public’s attention.

Pearl Shisler, Vero Beach

Verarvo Gardeneo, a resident of Citrus Park Village for 15 years, stands outside of his manufactured home in Vero Beach on Oct. 4, 2022. According to City Manager Monte Falls, the Federal Aviation Administration has told the city if it does not evict the owners, the city will no longer be eligible for FAA grants.
Verarvo Gardeneo, a resident of Citrus Park Village for 15 years, stands outside of his manufactured home in Vero Beach on Oct. 4, 2022. According to City Manager Monte Falls, the Federal Aviation Administration has told the city if it does not evict the owners, the city will no longer be eligible for FAA grants.

Why would a candidate refuse to share info that could inform voters?

I was so excited to see a survey of questions to the candidates running for office in the upcoming elections in a recent edition.

Great, I thought, I'll find out the high points of their platform. I'll be informed so I may make a decision on whom will get my vote this election.

Imagine my disappointment when not one of the GOP candidates answered any of the questions. How in the world can a voter make an informed choice of the candidates if they don't put any worthwhile information out there? I tried to get information on each candidate on the ballot on web sites. Another nightmare: Information on education, marital status and number of children doesn't help me much.

What do you stand for? Time is running out to tell me.

Mildred Bernier, Vero Beach

There's something rotten in the lagoon — and people are the problem

Finally, a beautiful, fall morning! I was going to go for my usual walk at Riverside Park but no  I couldn’t stand the stench from the lagoon. A recent evening was the perfect night to open the windows and hear the owls talking. But sadly, the nasty smell from the lagoon was unbearable.

There has been news coverage that scientists are monitoring for deteriorating conditions in the lagoon due to the huge rainfall from Hurricane Ian. They expect the usual — low oxygen levels, fish kills, algal blooms and deaths of manatees. This is not new — we know this is happening and becoming more frequent.

But please don’t blame Hurricane Ian or any other act of nature.

We, human beings are the problem. Do you fertilize your yard? Do you use a septic system? Fertilizer and human waste are the primary polluters of our lagoon.  An average septic system discharges 230 gallons of polluted water every day. There are approximately 30,000 septic systems in Indian River County alone.

Now, think about what is contained in your septic discharge. Do you take drugs like antibiotics, hormones, and pain killers? Scientists are finding them in fish and marine animals. Don’t forget cleaning products like bleach, soap and other toxic chemicals.

We, human beings, must do better. It is going to be our property values, our source of seafood and our physical health that is going to suffer, along with the environment.

Nature survives natural events like storms. It is the impact from humans that is the killer.

Judy Orcutt, Vero Beach

Conservative political tribalism is eating away at democracy

The American historian James Harvey Robinson suggested, “Partisanship is our great curse. We too readily assume that everything has (only) two sides and that it is our duty to be on one or the other.” Looking at complex issues in a binary way is reductive, so simplistic it overlooks the nuances of an argument. Kevin Lee Faulconer, former Republican mayor of San Diego, finishes Robinson’s point, saying “You should govern not by partisanship, but by leadership.” I want to believe — but have little hope —sensible Americans agree with Martin Luther King III, who said: “Hyperpartisanship is destructive to our country. We need more visionary leaders who will earnestly strive for bipartisanship … that can move America forward.”

Conservative political tribalism has become so acidic it’s eroding the foundations of American democracy.

For example, Herschel Walker, who’s been accused by a woman he impregnated of paying for an abortion, is polling neck-and-neck with Raphael Warnock, a minister and Georgia senator. Prominent Republican politicians, including the vacuous Florida senator Rick Scott, are flocking to Georgia to campaign on Walker’s behalf. This is shameless partisanship and a strident example of Republican hypocrisy. Remember when Republicans liked to call themselves “The party of God”?

Walker’s son posted a video on social media accusing his father of abandoning his mother and him. Christian Walker accuses his father of hypocrisy, paying a girlfriend to get an abortion on the one hand, while on the other supporting a draconian federal abortion ban with no exceptions for rape, incest or medical emergencies.  This is just one example of blatant Republican hypocrisy, supporting a habitual liar and immensely unqualified senatorial candidate simply because he’s running as a Republican.

In a sane political environment, Trump’s imprimatur should lead to decisive defeats. But we’ve lost our sanity.

Cray Little, Vero Beach

This article originally appeared on Treasure Coast Newspapers: Voters need info; people behind lagoon stench: Letters, Oct. 13, 2022