SBU uncovers more Russian propaganda materials at Moscow-aligned orthodox seminary

SBU says it found propaganda materials in UOC-MP facilities
SBU says it found propaganda materials in UOC-MP facilities

Read also: Ukraine’s SBU seizes pro-Russian books, cash, Soviet passports amid raid on Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra

The report said that SBU officers found literature that denies the existence of the Ukrainian people, its language, as well as the very right of Ukraine to statehood, claiming instead that Ukraine is an artificially-created country.

The SBU found brochures and books of xenophobic and hateful nature, with offensive fabrications about various ethnicities and religions.

"Most of the literature was written by Russian public figures and published in Russia," the message reads.

Read also: Moscow Patriarchate's Archimandrite Nikita comments on recent SBU searches

In addition, the SBU is investigating the origin of the so-called Great Don Army insignias, which were found in one of the back rooms of the Ivano-Frankivsk Diocese of the UOC (MP).

"In particular, we are talking about the insignias of this illegal armed formation, which in 2014 helped Russian forces to occupy parts of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts," the report says.

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Collected evidence has been sent to the relevant independent examinations.

On Nov. 25, the Security Service of Ukraine conducted searches activities at the Chernivtsi-Bukovyna Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), finding Russian propaganda literature and several Russian passports.

Read also: SBU raids Moscow Patriarchate’s Nativity of Christ Church in Ivano-Frankivsk

A similar raid was conducted at the monasteries of the Moscow Patriarchate in Rivne Oblast.

The SBU explained that these measures were taken as part of a systemic effort “to counter subversive activities of Russian special services in Ukraine.”

On Nov. 22, the SBU raided the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra monastery and the monastery of the UOC (MP) in Rivne Oblast.

Read also: Ukraine's SBU probing into Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra incident after controversial footage

This happened after the publication of a controversial video footage of one of the church services, where Russia was glorified.

On Nov. 15, the abbot of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra, Metropolitan Pavlo, admitted that at one of the prayers in the church people did sing a hymn about Russia, but claimed that it was not liturgical singing. The representative of the UOC-MP Archimandrite Polikarp said that the priest was busy and did not hear what “this group of activists was singing.”

Read the original article on The New Voice of Ukraine