With SC ruling, Ky is now a forced-birth state; birth control, gay marriage up next.

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“For over a thousand years Roman conquerors returning from the wars enjoyed the honor of triumph, a tumultuous parade. In the procession came trumpeters, musicians, and strange animals from conquered territories, together with carts laden with treasure and captured armaments. The conquerors rode in a triumphal chariot, the dazed prisoners walking in chains before him. Sometimes his children robed in white stood with him in the chariot or rode the trace horses. A slave stood behind the conqueror holding a golden crown and whispering in his ear a warning: that all glory is fleeting.” General George S. Patton

Abortion providers in Kentucky continue to fight but reality meets expectations; the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade guaranteeing a Constitutional right to abortion and Kentucky is a forced birth state. Thanks to the writer Cory Doctorow for that grim and accurate description of states that codify their legislature’s obsession with the uteri of women and the sexual activity of its people. Samuel Alito writes for the majority and denies a Constitutional right previously granted and for decades upheld, by allowing states to force women (and children) to bear children. Does the US Constitution really provide no protection for women whose state legislatures enact forced birth laws? Does the Constitution aid and abet the violence of rape, incest, and delivery of such a union?

Justices Alito, Barrett, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Roberts, wave to their adorers but the glory has fled. Kentucky women having abortions performed here will unnecessarily die and become maimed. If they have the means to travel outside of Kentucky they will increase the class and wealth divide so obvious here and in the country. Daughters and girlfriends of the men of the Kentucky General Assembly will have abortions in secret or with the help of their fathers and mothers.

The Supreme Court opinion “Citizens United” is an expression of political fascism where concentrated wealth and corporate power pay their way through Congress. Reversing Roe is social fascism motivated by Christian sanctimony shared by the majority. The Barrett doctrine holds that some pregnant women will provide adoption inventory. The Alito doctrine holds that despite the many millions of abortions throughout history that history itself is silent on this normal part of life on earth. The Thomas doctrine is that sweeping out Roe is a precedent for strangling the rights of our gay citizens. Together, the Supreme Court may again free Kentucky and the rest of the states to ignore the nation’s majority thinking on contraception and gay marriage.

More than twenty years ago my wife was pregnant with our third child, Mary Mildred. Mae had an extra copy of the thirteenth chromosome, trisomy thirteen, that causes severe deformities. Mae’s life expectancy would have been days to a year and my wife, with my love and support decided to abort Mae. A Kentucky couple, making the same decision today, if caught, might be prosecuted and jailed. I held Mae and knew my wife’s decision was merciful.

During the time of Mae, we attended Lexington Friends Meeting. Quakers, although directly influenced by Christianity, seek to avoid the sanctimony of religious certainty that exposes the cruelty and rigidity that motivates the reversal of Roe. The justices of the majority are Catholic (Neil Gorsuch is Anglican/Catholic) and far from separating their religion from the law, they codified it and as a result, have denied the full freedom of the women of the United States.

See organizations below supporting the reproductive health and freedom of women. Please support them.

Whole Womans’ Health Alliance

The Miscarriage and Abortion Hotline

West Fund

Plan C

Todd Kelly is a nurseryman, creator of Maury Garden, and a former co-clerk of Lexington Friends Meeting.