Can a Scalp Massager Help Hair Grow Faster?

Photo credit: Harper's BAZAAR
Photo credit: Harper's BAZAAR

From Harper's BAZAAR

We're always looking for ways to grow and maintain healthy hair. So when we hear that something like a scalp massager can theoretically help grow hair faster, we can't help but be intrigued. But does it actually work? We ask dermatologists Francesca Fusco and Morgan Rabach to break it down for us.

What Is a Scalp Massager?

Aptly named, a scalp massager is a device that massages your scalp. It comes in many shapes and sizes (some are even electric), but most are portable and handheld. According to Fusco, it can exfoliate, loosen debris and dandruff, and increase follicle circulation. She also says scalp massagers allows serums and hair products to work better. Rabach agrees and says using a scalp massager increases blood circulation and can also help stress and tension.

How Does It Work?

Generally, you can comb or brush through hair gently with a scalp massager as it slides against the scalp. Some scalp massagers can be used in the shower on wet hair, while others, like the electric ones, should only be used on dry hair. Rabach says the best way to get the most out of the device is to use it in circular motions; this will help loosen those dead skin cells.

There is no limit to how often you should use a scalp massager. Rabach says using one in shower works great if you're looking to get rid of dandruff or can be helpful if you have psoriasis, as those dead skin cells will be softened by the water.

Fusco likes to recommend using scalp massagers to patients with thinning hair and advises them to use it before applying products like a scalp serum; she explains that blood vessels are more dilated when circulation is excellent and that will help the skin absorb product more efficiently.

Can Massaging Make Hair Grow Faster?

The short answer: no. "There is no scientific evidence to support increased hair growth," says Rabach. "However massage does help increase blood circulation to the area."

Fusco agrees and says that a person who is experiencing hair loss due to poor circulation can benefit from using a scalp massager. She recommends using hair growing serums with a scalp massager so that product can be efficiently absorbed. And while this device isn't a game changer in the hair growth department, she says anyone who is experiencing dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis can benefit from regularly removing buildup or oil, dead skin, or debris.

So while it won't necessarily guarantee faster hair growth, a scalp massage is a pretty useful tool if you're looking to take care of your hair's overall health.

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