School bonds and overrides: Which Phoenix metro school districts are asking for funding

Rebecca Rivera teaches a class of fourth and fifth grade students at Stanfield Elementary school on Sept. 29, 2022, in Stanfield, AZ. The school is experiencing a teacher shortage and is currently looking to fill three teaching positions and one school counselor position for the 2022-2023 school year.
Rebecca Rivera teaches a class of fourth and fifth grade students at Stanfield Elementary school on Sept. 29, 2022, in Stanfield, AZ. The school is experiencing a teacher shortage and is currently looking to fill three teaching positions and one school counselor position for the 2022-2023 school year.

This year, 24 school districts in Maricopa County are asking voters to approve funding measures. School funding ballot requests come in the form of bonds or overrides, both drawing on property taxes.

Bonds seek a specific dollar amount and pay for longer-term projects, such as constructing schools or buying buses.

Overrides allow a district to increase its budget by up to 15% for seven years to pay operational expenses. The types of overrides voters may see include:

  • Maintenance and operations overrides are more common and used for operational expenses such as teacher salaries and student programs.

  • District additional assistance overrides bolster capital funding and often help cover technology, books and other equipment expenses.

Voters can find more details about each request, including arguments for or against the measures, on the Maricopa County school superintendent's website.

Agua Fria Union High School District

Seeks a $209 million bond for safety and security improvements, building repair and updates, maintenance, land purchase, school buses, classroom technology, furniture, equipment and the construction of a new high school. The annual cost to the district's average homeowner would be $135.

The district also seeks a renewal of its 15% override that would bring in an estimated $10 million in the next fiscal year. The annual cost to the district's average homeowner would be $119.94.

The funds would be used to increase teacher and staff pay, safety personnel, vocational and technical education programs, additional teachers for smaller classes, a new high school, and the continuation of engineering, medical, international baccalaureate and other educational programs.

Buckeye Union High School District

Seeks renewal of its 10% maintenance and operations override that would bring in an estimated $4.5 million in the next fiscal year. The annual cost to the district's average homeowner would be $68.63.

Funds would be used to preserve class sizes, attract and retain staff, maintain campus safety, maintain extracurricular activities and improve standards and staff development.

Cartwright Elementary School District

Seeks renewal of its 15% maintenance and operations override that would bring in an estimated $14 million in the next fiscal year. The annual cost to the district's average homeowner would be $306.

Funds would be used to maintain class sizes, fund kindergarten programs, provide instructional materials and pay for school supplies.

Cave Creek Unified School District

Seeks approval of a 15% maintenance and operations override that would bring in an estimated $5 million in the next fiscal year. The annual cost to the district's average homeowner would be $122.

Funds would be used to increase teacher and staff salaries; invest in career, technical and vocational education; support academic programs, including advanced placement, elementary enrichment, gifted and honors, international baccalaureate and world languages; support student and staff safety; maintain class sizes; fund stipends for hard-to-fill positions and special education teachers; reduce student fees and the district's need to eliminate programs and services.

Creighton Elementary School District

Seeks renewal of its 15% maintenance and operations override that would bring in an estimated $14 million in the next fiscal year. The annual cost to the district's average homeowner would be $306.

Funds would be used to fund the full-day kindergarten program; art, music and physical education programs; gifted student opportunities; teacher and staff pay; classroom supplies and materials; and school safety.

Fountain Hills Unified School District

Seeks approval of a $20 million bond for safety and security upgrades and renovations, site and athletic facility improvements, school buses, facility renovations and furniture, technology and equipment purchases. The annual cost to the district's average homeowner would be $41.90.

Fountain Hills also seeks approval of a district additional assistance override that would bring in $750,000 or less. The funds would go toward software and hardware upgrades, textbooks and online resources, building improvements, and furniture and equipment replacements or additions. The annual cost for the district's average homeowner would be $48.39.

Fowler Elementary School District

Seeks approval of a $30 million bond for capital improvements, safety and security improvements, conservation and energy efficiency projects, school buses, technology upgrades, and new furniture and equipment. The annual cost to the district's average homeowner would be $132.09.

Glendale Union High School District

Glendale High School in Glendale Union High School District.
Glendale High School in Glendale Union High School District.

Seeks renewal of its 10% maintenance and operations override that would bring in an estimated $11.5 million in the next fiscal year. The annual cost to the district's average homeowner would be $77.23.

Funds would be used to reduce class sizes, keep existing courses, maintain athletic and extracurricular programs, and continue student support services.

Higley Unified School District

Seeks approval of a $77.2 million bond for building construction and renovation, furniture, equipment and technology, safety and security, and to ensure one-to-one student-to-device ratios. The annual cost to the district's average homeowner would be $102.90.

Liberty Elementary School District

Seeks renewal of its 10% maintenance and operations override that would bring in an estimated $3 million in the next fiscal year. The annual cost to the district's average homeowner would be $147.15.

Funds would be used for teacher and staff retention and recruitment; sports and extracurricular activities; music, art and physical education programs; class size reduction; and full-day kindergarten.

Litchfield Elementary School District

Litchfield Elementary School.
Litchfield Elementary School.

Seeks renewal of its 15% maintenance and operations override that would bring in an estimated $10.7 million in the next fiscal year. The annual cost to the district's average homeowner would be $214.51.

Funds would be used for teacher and staff recruitment and retention; ensuring one nurse at each school; teacher and staff pay; special programs, including physical education, music, band and art, and sports; and focused intervention programs such as reading specialists, intervention specialists, instructional coaches, behavior coaches, and student advisors.

Madison Elementary School District

Seeks approval of a district additional assistance override that would bring in $4.6 million or less. The funds would go toward curriculum materials, computer devices, curricular software, system and support software, a student information system, a data warehouse, technology infrastructure, printers and copiers, furniture and equipment, and maintenance. The annual cost for the district's average homeowner would be $118.07.

Murphy Elementary School District

Seeks renewal of its 15% maintenance and operations override that would bring in an estimated $1.2 million in the next fiscal year. The annual cost to the district's average homeowner would be $52.45.

Funds would be used for full-day kindergarten; educator retention and recruitment; physical education, art and music programs; and school nurses, counselors and other support staff.

Nadaburg Unified School District

Seeks approval to join the Western Maricopa Education Center career technical educational district. Approval would result in an additional tax to district property owners in the amount of $7.81 for maintenance and operations and $17.19 for debt service for a total annual cost of $25 for the average value home in the district.

Nadaburg also seeks approval of a $20 million bond for safety and security improvements; air conditioning and HVAC system improvements; building renovations; construction for the Mountainside High school athletic fields, multi-purpose spaces, and a gymnasium; and site maintenance, school buses and campus improvements. The annual cost to the district's average homeowner would be $262.

Osborn Elementary School District

Seeks renewal of its 15% maintenance and operations override that would bring in an estimated $2.5 million in the next fiscal year. The annual cost to the district's average homeowner would be $71.12.

Funds would be used for library services; full-day kindergarten; art, music, physical education and elective programs; student intervention services; staff development; gifted student resource services; technology support staff; and English Language Learning proficiency support and materials.

Paradise Valley Unified School District

Paradise Valley Unified School District No. 69 building.
Paradise Valley Unified School District No. 69 building.

Seeks renewal of its 15% maintenance and operations override that would bring in an estimated $31 million in the next fiscal year. The annual cost to the district's average homeowner would be $208.29.

Funds would be used for continued academic programming, competitive pay for teachers and staff, continued instruction and promotion of a safe and healthy school environment.

Phoenix Elementary School District

Seeks approval of a $97 million bond for construction of new schools; renovations, remodeling and improvements to existing schools; technology equipment and upgrades; furniture and equipment; and school buses. The annual cost to the district's average homeowner would be $167.69.

Phoenix Elementary also seeks approval to sell, lease or exchange district-owned property, which would have no additional tax impact.

Queen Creek Unified School District

Seeks approval of a $198 million bond for infrastructure additions and improvements, a new elementary school, more middle and high school space, technology infrastructure, security upgrades, buses, resource programming and extracurricular activities. The annual cost to the district's average homeowner would be $219.46.

Scottsdale Unified School District

Seeks approval of a district additional assistance override that would bring in $14.5 million or less. The funds would go toward curriculum materials; classroom and district technology; fine arts, athletic and library programs and materials; furniture and equipment; and playground equipment and facilities. The annual cost for the district's average homeowner would be $112.17.

Tempe Elementary School District

Seeks approval of a $196.5 million bond for school renovations and critical maintenance projects, including furniture, equipment and technology; school buses; and maintenance for district support facilities. The annual cost to the district's average homeowner would be $151.72.

Tempe Union High School District

Seeks renewal of its 15% maintenance and operations override and approval of a $100 million bond.

Funds from the override would be used to reduce class sizes, core instructional programs, elective programs, student support services, maintenance, student professional development, technology services, athletic and extracurricular programs, and teacher pay. The annual cost of renewing this override to the district's average homeowner would be $74.11.

Funds from the bond would be used for heating and cooling ventilation systems, roofing systems, security and surveillance systems, electrical and lighting systems, plumbing systems, telephone and other communication systems, energy management systems, building additions, building and ground renovations and energy efficient replacement buses. The annual cost to the average homeowner would be $37.50.

Tempe Union also seeks approval of a district additional assistance override that would bring in $8.7 million or less. The funds would go toward land and building improvements, furniture, athletic equipment, school buses, library books, textbooks and printed materials, principal and interest payments and administration emergency needs. The annual cost to the average homeowner would be $47.27.

Union Elementary School District

Seeks renewal of its 15% maintenance and operations override and approval of a $25 million bond.

Funds from the bond would be used for new construction, furniture, equipment, capital improvements to facilities and systems, school buses and technology improvements. The annual cost to the average homeowner would be $275.85.

Funds from the override would be used for full-day kindergarten; class size reduction; competitive compensation for teachers and staff; and art, physical education, music, dance, STEM and electives. The annual cost to the average homeowner would be $220.26.

Washington Elementary School District

Seeks renewal of its 15% maintenance and operations override and approval of a $135 million bond.

Funds from the bond would be used for safety projects, building system upgrades and replacements, pavement upgrades, new construction, technology and school buses. The annual cost to the average homeowner would be $130.81.

Funds from the override would be used for full-day kindergarten; student intervention services; art, music and physical education programs; gifted and specialized programs; additional teachers and support staff; and competitive pay. The annual cost to the average homeowner would be $185.88.

Wickenburg Unified School District

Seeks approval of a 10% maintenance and operations override that would bring an estimated $936,013 in the next fiscal year.

Funds would be used to ensure small class sizes, academic program support, student services support, all-day kindergarten support, access to arts, and competitive salaries and benefits for qualified staff. The annual cost to the average homeowner would be $69.89.

Bonds and overrides: School funding is on the ballot across Maricopa County

Renata Cló is a reporter on The Arizona Republic's K-12 education team. You can reach her at, follow her on Twitter @renataclo and join the conversation in our Facebook group:  

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Phoenix metro school districts are requesting overrides and bonds