School supply drive collecting for all elementary students

May 24—School may be just about out for summer, but the United Way of Clinton County, Iowa and Connect Clinton County already are gearing up for when schools go back into session this fall.

Connect Clinton County, a coalition of nonprofits, has just released plans to bring all school supply drives together to prevent duplication of efforts and provide supplies to all elementary school students in Clinton County.

The goal is to furnish each elementary student — estimated to be about 3,700 kids — with a set of school supplies.

United Way Executive Director Andy Green says that each year it comes down to about 1/3 of parents buying items from the provided school list, 1/3 of families who can't afford to buy the items, and another 1/3 who just don't do it.

He said the goal is to combine all the efforts that have been put forth by many organizations over the years and to make sure all students have what they need — and are on a level playing field — when school starts. To get there, the United Way formed an ad hoc committee to bring all the other school supply drive organizers on board and develop a plan that will get the items to all four elementary schools in Clinton, two elementary buildings in DeWitt, St. Joseph's in DeWitt, Prince of Peace in Clinton, and students at Northeast, Camanche, Delwood and Calamus-Wheatland.

To kick off collection efforts, Connect Clinton County will hold a Pack a Bus collection drive on Saturday and Sunday, June 3 and 4, at the Clinton Wal-Mart. Drop-off donation boxes also will be placed at businesses, churches, service clubs and other sites.

The collections will take place throughout the summer, with the plan to have the majority of items by Aug. 1. Green says items that will be collected are No. 2 pencils, 24-count Crayola crayons, dry erase markers, dry erase erasers, pink erasers, spiral notebooks — wide, wide loose leaf paper, pocket folders, rulers, child and adult-size scissors and glue sticks.

His plan will be to update the community on where to bring items and what needs have yet to be met as supplies come in throughout the summer. The supplies will be given to the schools' teachers.

To learn more about the project, call Green at 242-1209.