Schoolchildren of Mariupol to have lesson where they will be "taught how to love Russia" Advisor to Mayor


On 12 September, schools of the occupied Ukrainian city of Mariupol will host a separate dystopian "lesson". It will be called "Razgovor o vazhnom" ("A Conversation about Important Things").

Source: Telegram account of Petro Andryushchenko, the Advisor to the Mayor of Mariupol

He states that the occupiers want to brainwash the children of Mariupol with propaganda that Russia has been "feeding" its citizens and trying to force it onto the world since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. In particular, the occupiers are planning to "explain" to the schoolchildren of Mariupol in their usual manner why they decided to "liberate" their city.

"This is a lesson, in which it will be explained "how to love the Motherland", "why Russian bombs that destroyed the lives of the children of Mariupol are a good thing", and"why a ruined city and thousands of people, including children, were killed, is [considered] liberation",  Andriushchenko states.


photo: gpointstudio/Depositphotos

At the same time, a separate "lesson" will be held for middle and high school students,  which allegedly aims to:

"Awaken the interest in studying Russian history and culture, developing the senses of citizenship and patriotism, forming and strengthening the concept of "Motherland", learning to recognise one’s own perception of it; shape the understanding of cultural and historical unity of the Russian nation and the importance of protecting it".

One more goal of this "lesson" is "to shape a civic identity and pride for one’s country".

"It would be fine, but here’s the question: what does it all have to do with the Ukrainian city of Mariupol?" Andriushchenko wonders.

He states that first parents who were present at the "roll call" have already been informed that they are personally responsible for their children’s participation in such lessons.

Earlier, Andriushchenko reported that the occupiers in Mariupol intimidate the parents and make them send their children to local schools that they seized.

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