Schools reopen in Virginia amid manhunt for Marine deserter

ROANOKE, Va. (AP) — Schools are reopening in Roanoke, Virginia, on Friday as a manhunt continues for a Marine deserter wanted in a murder case.

Roanoke City Public Schools closed on Thursday when police learned Michael Alexander Brown may have been spotted in town. The 22-year-old combat engineer is wanted for questioning in the death of his mother’s boyfriend, 54-year-old Rodney Brown.

Roanoke Police Chief Tim Jones said Brown may have been tapping on the window of his grandmother’s home in Roanoke. He’s believed to be armed and considered very dangerous. A recreational vehicle he was believed to have been driving was destroyed by police before they discovered he wasn’t inside.

Residents are still being advised to report any suspicious activity, but city officials have lifted a shelter-in-place order.