The scientific reason why hay fever makes you tired

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From Cosmopolitan

It's great when the sun comes out, unless you're allergic to pollen of course, and it also signals regular twenty-minute-straight sneezing sessions, red eyes and and an itchy throat. Hay fever, you demon.

But those aren't the only symptoms of hay fever that can crop up. Have you ever noticed yourself feeling unnecessarily tired during times of high pollen count? If so, there's a science-approved explanation behind it, and it's got nothing to do with the drowse-inducing antihistamines you'll have been scoffing.

Speaking to Live Science, allergist and immunologist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Dr. Kara Wada, explained that seasonal allergies can notably reduce energy levels, leading to feelings of tiredness.

The expert described how the body expends substantial amounts of energy creating "the cells, proteins and all of the other substances" - collectively called inflammation - that emerge as part an allergic response. Effectively, inflammation tries to fight off the allergy, which results in the body being drained and subsequently emitting some of the same chemical signals as the ones released when you're run down or unwell.

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Photo credit: Getty Images

Plus, if you're unlucky enough for your reaction to pollen to continue throughout the night, this can interrupt sleep and significantly reduce the quality of rest you get.

Great. That's another one to add to your list of reasons why having hay fever is shit.

[H/T Live Science]

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