See the 19 funniest parents on social media this week

Whether you’re raising toddlers or teenagers, there’s one thing we all have in common: parenting is both exasperating and hilarious.

Add in the pressure of preparing for the upcoming holidays and there’s nothing to do but laugh.

As you finalize your Thanksgiving menu, take a quick break to crack up along with us as we count down the funniest moms and dads on social media this week!


How thoughtful!

Revenge is so sweet

Such a fun age...

Related: Get ready to laugh out loud with the moms and dads of the internet.


Sounds about right.

The worst.

Silver linings.

Great question, kid!

She makes a good point.

Gotta keep that spark!


#ButCheex forever.


Related: These moms and dads of the internet have us laughing out loud.

Turn it up.

Every. Single. Morning.


Go figure.

