See elusive wolverine family slide down snow bank in ‘unique sighting’ in Alaska

A family of wolverines was spotted playing together in a national park in Alaska, and an eagle-eyed bus driver captured the hunting lesson on video.

And while the creatures are common in Denali National Park and Preserve, they’re rather elusive and aren’t spotted often, officials said in a July 13 Facebook post.

“What a unique sighting in Denali National Park and Preserve!” officials said in the post. “This video was captured by a bus driver in the park. These mysterious mustelids (weasel family) gifted the driver and their passengers with their playful presence as they move through high alpine terrain.”

See elusive wolverine family slide down snow bank in ‘unique sighting’ in Alaska

Video shows three wolverines — which officials believe is an adult female with her two kits — chasing, pouncing on and wrestling with each other. At one point, two of them slide down a snow bank together.

While their behavior in the video seems lighthearted, it’s actually an important part of wolverine development, officials said.

“It might seem like just fun and games, but playing is a pivotal part of how most predators learn hunting techniques, build muscle, and create (neural pathways) important for development,” officials said. “Playing is an important part of life!”

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