See Penn Badgley React After You Fan Asks Him to “Kidnap Me”

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See Penn Badgley React After You Fan Asks Him to “Kidnap Me”

Sometimes, an outrageous request can change with the tone alone. Just ask Penn Badgley.

Ever since the actor brought his menacingly lovesick character, Joe Goldberg, to life in Netflix's You, fans have been not-so-subtle about expressing their connection to the show's leading man. Take a viewer's latest tweet for example, who on Oct. 19, tagged Penn himself on the social media platform, and simply wrote, "Ayoooo kidnap me."

And although Penn has expressed his concern with viewers fangirling over his dangerous on-screen persona in the past, this time was just a smidge different, with the actor jokingly tweeting in response, "Idk why but when ‘kidnap me' is prefaced by ‘ayoooo,' it has a completely different ring to it and I'm not mad."

As if that wasn't enough, in response to Penn's tweet, another user wrote, "Mentally, I'm here," alongside a picture of his character's infamous glass box of doom.

Ironically, although Penn is having his fun now, the actor also spoke about his character being able to use the instant access of social media to his advantage during a January 2019 press event with You co-star Shay Mitchell.

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"I think Joe reveals the unsettling logic that actually a lot of us are following—in the worst way—on social media," he shared. "But, then I think in the best way it is a tool and there's nothing inherently wrong about that tool at all. In fact, I see really admire people like Shay, who have an authentic relationship where it's like, fluent. See me when I try to do something on social media? It's pathetic."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Idk why but when “kidnap me” is prefaced by “ayoooo” it has a completely different ring to it and I’m not mad <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Penn Badgley (@PennBadgley) <a href="">October 19, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

For future reference, Penn may want to ask You devotees since they might overwhelmingly have to disagree.