I see them on my way into work. Too many working Charlotteans don’t have homes.

Homeless workers

As I walked to my early morning train, I saw a late model Ford parked in the lot. I’d seen the same car in the same spot for weeks. The pillow and laundry basket inside made me think it belonged to one of the many folks who live out of their cars and go to work every morning in Charlotte.

At the Third Street stop I saw a young man under a blanket waking up on the platform, his toolbox beside him. Another homeless worker.

This needs to be addressed. Working people should be able to afford their housing.

Gillian Cox, Charlotte

Burr and Tillis

The writer is a nurse practitioner.

When insulin was discovered in 1921, the property rights sold for $3 and pharmaceutical companies were allowed to make it royalty-free. It was done to benefit those who needed insulin, rather than benefit off their misfortune. Senators Thom Tillis and Richard Burr had an opportunity to help all of their constituents by limiting out-of-pocket payment for insulin to $35 per month. Instead, they chose to put party over their constituents.

North Carolinians must choose between paying for their life-saving medicine or paying for housing and food. How will they get their constituents to the ballot to vote for them when they go blind or go on dialysis?

James Blackwell, Huntersville

FBI raid

The FBI raid of former President Donald Trump’s home is deplorable. One of his campaign promises was to drain the swamp and dismantle the “deep state.”

Years ago the FBI and Department of Justice were considered to be honest and fair. Today, it seems loyalty to our country, our laws, and a fair justice system are not their primary concern.

This crowd needs to be cleaned out from the top to the bottom.

Jim Cherry, Charlotte

Inflation Reduction

Is it true that the Inflation Reduction Act “will destroy innovation, raise consumer costs and worsen inflation,” as some Republicans say? Only in theory. The truth that I’ve seen is that corporations will continue to pursue profits and invest in equipment and people as needed. When it’s time for raises, they’ll complain about the the Inflation Reduction Act because Republicans have paved the way for them to offer it up as the reason for minimum pay increases — all while they pocket their annual bonuses.

Paula Ryan, Charlotte

Social districts

Regarding “Charlotte council to vote on alcohol social districts,” (Aug. 11):

Social districts, where people can take their alcoholic beverages from restaurants on a stroll, benefit small businesses and tourism. However, there is one downside I hope Charlotte City Council addresses: the increased use of plastic non-recyclables.

If we are the N.C. city that creates social districts that don’t add to the burden of plastic refuse, it will be a win-win for us and the environment.

The “social district-labeled cups” should be recyclable or returnable. Clearly labeled places to deposit those cups should also be part of the plan.

Justine Busto, Charlotte

Pay and test scores

Regarding “State budget could cost some NC principals thousands of dollars in pay this year,” (Aug. 7):

Pay for N.C. school principals is already tied to school test scores. Now, some on the State Board of Education want to tie teacher pay to student performance. (Aug. 9) Let’s take the “motivation” part of this thinking one step further: Base the pay of N.C. legislators on student test scores.

Claude Underwood, Charlotte

HOA boards

Regarding “Are relations between HOAs and residents getting worse? Here’s why experts think so.” (Aug. 7):

Those who serve on HOA boards should have to show evidence of training and of handling large sums of money. They should not be volunteers who serve to get their pet projects done and then leave.

Over 16 years, I have experienced too many folks on HOA boards who don’t know what they are doing. I served on four boards and gave up. Either you are considered dictators or you’re considered nice neighbors who do little.

Jane Francisco, Charlotte

Clean energy jobs

The Observer recently reported that more states are backing offshore wind projects because of economic potential. Jobs and renewable energy — that’s a win/win.

The same is true of solar energy.

It’s been tough throughout history when people lost work as industries evolved. The smarter ones adapted and moved into the new jobs.

Poorer rural areas have the most to gain: local taxes on wind and solar projects, lease payments to property owners, manufacturing and installation jobs, maintenance jobs, etc. And who knows? Clean energy jobs just might save the planet, too.

Jane Taylor, Charlotte

I-77 commuters

In response to an Aug. 7 Forum letter about S.C. commuters.... My wife and I are retired, so we don’t often travel from Tega Cay to uptown Charlotte. I have noticed in returning home via I-77 south that there are a tremendous number of drivers from North Carolina traveling to South Carolina for work, cheaper gas and amusements. So, let’s be real and stop bickering. Let’s all share and share alike.

Jeff Kanner, Tega Cay