'Selling Sunset' star Mary Fitzgerald says show is 'better' without Christine Quinn

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Season Six of "Selling Sunset" just dropped on Netflix, giving fans more properties, more fashion and more drama.

But the Season Six cast was missing a now classic aspect of the show: Christine Quinn. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly in March, the agent said she would "never come back to 'Selling Sunset' in a million years."

Last season ended with accusations that the real estate agent had been bribing clients to work with her. Quinn denies the accusation. During the reunion episode, Oppenheim Agency co-owner Jason Oppenheim said that, “Right now, there’s not a place for her at the Oppenheim Group.”

So with this new chapter, where is Quinn now? And how do cast regulars feel about her missing presence? We found out.

What is Christine Quinn up to now?

Back in March, Quinn was unveiled as a contestant on “The Masked Singer.” She also released a paperback version of her book "How To Be A Boss B----" this year, has co-founded a crypto-based brokerage with her husband, Christian Richard. She is raising a son, also named Christian.

The cast weighs in on a season of 'Selling Sunset' without Christine Quinn

When asked if this season felt different without Quinn, Jason Oppenheim conveyed mixed feelings.

“Yes and no. I was under a great deal of stress filming this year, so it was difficult, I think, for everyone,” Oppenheim tells TODAY.com. “But on a positive note, I feel like the show was more layered this season. I feel like her absence allowed the show to explore different relationships and more layered aspects between people.”

This sentiment was echoed by cast member and fellow agent Mary Fitzgerald. “I mean, this in the most respectful way, but I think the show’s better without her because it was this overwhelming issue everything revolved (around), and it just seemed so repetitive because everyone had issues with her," she says.

Fitzgerald says that now, there is more of a “normal dynamic” in the office.

“We all have different things going on in our private lives that are coming out,” says Fitzgerald. “It shows us, who we are and not where it’s just harping on the same issue over and over.”

Others, like agent Emma Hernan, says the change in dynamic was a “breath of fresh air.”

"The majority of the women that are in the office now are positive, uplifting women," she says.

Last season, Quinn struck up a friendship with then-newbie Chelsea Lakzani. She says a season without Quinn was an adjustment.

“Christine was like the Robin to my Batman,” says Lakzani. "It was sad not having that because she just made me laugh so much. But what I lost I also already had in other friends too on the show and our relationship off the show still exists. So I guess I got the best of both worlds.”

Lakzani says that last season, the show didn’t capture just how much she bonded with the other women at the agency. “Prior to even starting filming Season Six, we were so close,” she says.

Have the agents spoken to Christine Quinn?

While Lakzani says she hasn’t seen her recently, the two talk “maybe every week.”

“Just catch up. See what she’s doing,” says Lazkani. “She wants to know what I’m doing. And I’m sure she wants the tea, which I never give because I know to keep my mouth shut. Kind of, sometimes.”

Fitzgerald says the two haven't had much contact beyond one txt conversation. “She texted me one time and just said, Hey, hope you’re doing well,' or something like that. And I said you too,” Fitzgerald says. “And that was it."

Chrishell Stause says she's moved on from any tension with her former rival.

“I feel like it’s such an old drama,” Stause says. “I literally don’t have any ill will, I wish her the best. And I think everybody’s kind of moved on, and I think that’s great.”

This article was originally published on TODAY.com