How Senator Corker's Remarks May Backfire

Sen. Bob Corker’s comments about President Trump are still reverberating through Washington. Trump, aides say, is livid by the direct assault by a member of his own party — and from a person whose support he had courted. Among GOP leadership on Capitol Hill, Corker criticism of the president’s leadership and strategic thinking has drawn lots of quiet affirmation. More broadly, Corker is understood to have said the inside part out loud — putting voice to what even many in the president’s own party believe about him. But it may come at a cost, as it draws more attention to the efforts by the president’s aides and the GOP to contain Trump — and thereby cause him to lash out. Trump seems to be doing some of that on Twitter Tuesday morning, as his relationships with his senior-most aides appear to be fraying.

Ivanka Trump speaks out for a DACA fix. Democrats cry foul at Trump’s immigration plans. And Trump’s IQ test.

Here are your must reads:

Must Reads

A ‘Pressure Cooker’
Trump’s frustration and fury rupture alliances, threaten agenda [Washington Post]

White House Aides Lean on Delays and Distraction to Manage Trump
In interviews, senior staff and others close to the president have described a series of guardrails they use to push the president away from rash decisions. [Politico]

Few GOP Senators Talk Publicly About Corker’s Trump Remarks
But privately is a different story [Associated Press]

Inside Trump’s Head
An Exclusive Interview With the President, And The Single Theory That Explains Everything [Forbes]

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Sound Off

“I think it’s fake news, but if he did that, I guess we’ll have to compare IQ tests. And I can tell you who is going to win.” — President Trump to Forbes on reports that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called him a “moron”

“The Failing @nytimes set Liddle’ Bob Corker up by recording his conversation. Was made to sound a fool, and that’s what I am dealing with!” — Trump on Twitter Tuesday morning

Bits and Bites

If Trump doesn’t deal on DACA, some Democrats threaten a government shutdown [Washington Post]

Ivanka Trump: DACA Needs a ‘Long-Term’ Fix [TIME]

Ivanka Trump tunes out noise, takes on tax overhaul fight [Associated Press]

McConnell tries to defuse conservative anger over stalled judicial nominations [Politico]

Kelly’s Mar-a-Lago strategy [Vanity Fair]

President Trump’s Friends Are Telling Him to Fight Robert Mueller’s Russia Probe [Associated Press]

7 Moments That Shaped the President’s Role as Comforter-in-Chief [TIME]

Russian Operatives Spent Tens of Thousands on Google Ads, Reports Say [Associated Press]

Melania Trump Slams Ivana Trump for Calling Herself ‘First Lady’ [TIME]