SENIOR SPOTLIGHT: McAlester's Abbi Cecil enjoying one last year with her teammates

Dec. 31—Abbi Cecil knows how special it is to be a part of the team.

The McAlester senior has been a member of the pom squad since her freshman year, but said after COVID-19 made its impacts, her senior season has been quite unique.

"It's definitely been a year different than any other, and it's weird to be back in front of people," Cecil said. "But it's really nice to see the progress we've made over the last couple of years."

When asked about her favorite things about being a member of McAlester pom, Cecil was quick to mention the support that is given from all her coaches and her fellow dancers.

"I'd say probably the camaraderie, you know a lot of people are going to have your back," she said. "And it's definitely weird to have twenty girls that are all doing the same thing day in and day out, but it's really interesting to see how we go on in life from this team."

Keeping that in mind, Cecil said the team has found its success in part because of how well they're able to work together. And as they continue through competition season, that'll continue to be a key into how they prepare for the spotlight.

"Definitely communication," Cecil said. "This year, we've made that a priority. We're pretty equal with how we dance, because at the end of the day, we're not going to dance well if we're not friends and happy. That's just our biggest priority, I feel like.

"We practice a lot, but we also have lots of words of encouragement," she continued. "The energy for competition is different. It's really emotional."

Cecil and the McAlester pom squad pour a lot of hard work into their practices and routines on competition days. And while the butterflies can be numerous before hitting the floor, she admitted there was one way she was able to expel them out of her mind and body.

"I function really well under pressure," Cecil said. "Sometimes a cry is needed before we go out, sometimes a throw up — whatever the day says I need to do."

But through it all, Cecil said she's been proud to have been part of such a special team. It takes a lot of work, but the reward helps make it that much sweeter.

And she still finds her ways to keep herself calm through the craziness that can be a grueling competition season.

"When I have time, I like to watch Criminal Minds and do a little paint by number," Cecil said. "When I don't have time, I will take a 10 minute nap before I go into school so I don't pass out on anyone. We're just kind of walking a thin line between total exhaustion and functioning."

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