Sermons 12/11/2021

Encourage your pastor to tell us the upcoming week's sermon topic. It's FREE, and it's open to churches throughout the Big Country. Email it to by 2 p.m. each Tuesday. Please put "sermon" in the subject line. Include the topic, who will deliver it, a synopsis limited to 60 words, when services begin and the name and street address of your place of worship.

Baker Heights Church of Christ, 5382 Texas Ave.

Services: 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Sunday worship. Bible classes 9 a.m. Sunday.

Speaker: (a.m.) Monty Tuttle, with Eastern European Missions; (p.m.) Larry Sullivan

Topic: (p.m.) "Samson: The Weakest Strong Man in the Bible"

Synopsis: (p.m.) Judges 13:1-5; 24-25.

Belmont Baptist Church, 2117 Palm St.

Services: 10:45 a.m. Sunday worship. 9:30 a.m. Sunday school. 5:30 p.m. Wednesday Adult Bible Study and TeamKid. Services also available via Facebook, YouTube and

Speaker: Jimmy Griffith

Topic: "Jesus and John the Baptist"

Synopsis: Matthew 3:1- 6; Luke 1:5-24. Jesus and John the Baptist were cousins and were about six months difference in their age. There is much to learn from their relationship, their similarities and their differences.

Clearfork Baptist Church, 14116 Highway 277, Hawley

Services: 11 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. Also available online via Facebook

Speaker: Bro. Harvey McFadden

Topic: "Christmas 2021: Mercy Built a Bridge"

Synopsis: Luke 1:26-38, 2:1-20. It’s time for our annual Christmas program! We will combine music, Scripture and drama as we celebrate the Reason for the season – please join us!

Episcopal Church of the Heavenly Rest, S. Seventh St. at Meander, east of Sayles Boulevard

Services: 8 and 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion inside, Swahili inside worship at 1 p.m. Livestream at 10:30 a.m. Sunday at, 5 p.m. Requiem for All Souls

Speaker: Rev. David Romanik

Topic: "The Third Sunday of Advent"

Synopsis: Luke 3:7-18. In our Gospel John the Baptist preaches repentance to all those who hear his call to baptism, and he tells them of the mighty one to come.

Grace Lutheran Church, 1202 S. Pioneer Drive

Services: 10 a.m. Sunday

Speaker: Peggy Valentine

Synopsis: Christ’s presence in our midst in the wonder of the holy supper is cause for singing. The nearness of the God in prayer, in every circumstance, is cause for rejoicing. The coming of one “more powerful” than John, even with a winnowing fork in hand, is good news — and cause for exultation — for us who are being saved. Great joy is the tone for the third Sunday of Advent.

Grace United Methodist Church, 1402 Grape St.

Services: 9 a.m. Sunday

Speaker: Bo Whitaker

Topic: "Waiting"

Synopsis: Psalm 63: 1-8. Third week of Advent. Waiting prayerfully and patiently is one of our hardest tasks in life. Anticipating the arrival of Jesus some day and making new room in our hearts for him are keys to heaven on earth and to our eternal home.

North Fifth and Grape Street Church of Christ, 433 Grape St.

Services: 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Sunday. Bible classes 9 a.m. Sunday and 7 p.m. Wednesday.

Speaker: (a.m.) Kris Sutton, (p.m.) Charles Ivie

Topic: (a.m.) "Contentment: Our Career" (p.m.) "Benefits of Justification"

Synopsis: (a.m.) 1 Timothy 6:6-7. (p.m.) We know that as Abraham was justified by faith, we too.

Oldham Lane Church of Christ, 5049 Oldham Lane

Services: 8:15 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Sunday. Bible class 9:30 a.m. Sunday. Bible study 7 p.m. Wednesday. Life in the Light television program 10 a.m. every Sunday on KTAB. Livestreaming 10:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. services at

Topic: "Manger Things — Presence, Not Presents"

Synopsis: Mary had the little lamb, and that lamb would die for her sins and for the sins of the entire world. In that manger that fateful day in Bethlehem lay, not just a baby, but the God of heaven who came to earth to dwell with the very people He created. What often gets lost this time of year is that the baby was born to die.

This article originally appeared on Abilene Reporter-News: Sermons 12/11/2021