Sermons 5/21/2022

Encourage your pastor to tell us the upcoming week's sermon topic. It's FREE, and it's open to churches throughout the Big Country. Email it to by 2 p.m. each Tuesday. Please put "sermon" in the subject line. Include the topic, who will deliver it, a synopsis limited to 60 words, when services begin and the name and street address of your place of worship.

Baker Heights Church of Christ, 5382 Texas Ave.

Services: 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Sunday worship. Bible classes 9 a.m. Sunday.

Topic: (a.m.) "Living like there’s no tomorrow"

Synopsis: (a.m.) 1 Peter 4:7-11. We have seen the pictures of the guy standing on the street corner with the sign that reads; “Repent! The end is near!” Our response is, typically, to laugh it off with everyone else. But shouldn’t Christ followers look at the end a little differently that the rest of the world? We have a hope that goes beyond this life on earth. No, we may not stand on the street corner with a sign, but how will we live in the meantime, knowing that the end is coming?

Belmont Baptist Church, 2117 Palm St.

Services: 10:45 a.m. Sunday worship. 9:30 a.m. Sunday school. 5:30 p.m. Wednesday Adult Bible Study and TeamKid. Services also available via Facebook, YouTube and

Speaker: Jimmy Griffith

Topic: "Why Should I Not Worry?"

Synopsis: 6:25-34. Worry is a great indicator of what we believe about God. Jesus defines worry as being faithless, godless, pointless and useless for people who desire to be His followers. The Bible tells us how we can overcome worry.

Episcopal Church of the Heavenly Rest, S. Seventh St. at Meander, east of Sayles Boulevard

Services: 8 and 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion inside, Swahili inside worship at 1 p.m. Livestream at 10:30 a.m. Sunday at

Speaker: Rev. David Romanik

Topic: "Sixth Sunday of Easter"

Synopsis: John 5:1-9. 23-29. Our Gospel tells of Jesus' promise to his disciples of the coming of the Holy Spirit.

North Fifth and Grape Street Church of Christ, 433 Grape St.

Services: 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Sunday. Bible classes 9 a.m. Sunday and 7 p.m. Wednesday.

Topic: (a.m.) "Humility and Faithfulness" (p.m.) "The Road to Emmaus"

Synopsis: (a.m.) Of all things we could study, surely none are more important than humility and faithfulness. We will look at 1 Peter 5:1-10 to see how Peter encouraged elders and all people to humility and faithfulness. (p.m.) This will be the beginning of a series on "Roads We Travel." There are many roads mentioned in God's word. Many of these roads are related to a particular quality we should possess or a lesson that we should learn.

South Pointe Church, 3050 Buffalo Gap Road

Services: 10:45 a.m. Sunday; online via Facebook Live

Speaker: Dan Carpenter

Topic: "Simply Jesus: Take A Chance on Jesus"

Synopsis: Hebrews 3:7-19. The Bible says that our sins have separated us from God. Like the character in the movie, “Castaway,” many of us are surviving, but there is something more we really need; there is something more we hunger for and crave. The only way we can get it is to leave the island of “self,” and take a chance on Jesus.

Wylie Baptist Church, 6097 Buffalo Gap Road

Services: 8 and 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sunday; also available online via Facebook Live

Speaker: Pastor Mike Harkrider

Topic: "Faithful and Courageous - Secure and Steadfast for the Future"

Synopsis: 2 Peter 1:10-11. Diligence is what motivates the sprinter to round the last turn, heading toward the finish line with sweat pouring, legs pumping, veins popping and muscles exerted to the fullest degree. There are a few things in life we earnestly pursue unabashedly. May devotion to Jesus be the greatest of those things.

This article originally appeared on Abilene Reporter-News: Sermons 5/21/2022