Restaurant Workers, Tell Us The Thing Customers Do That Show They'll Be A Nightmare

When you work in customer service, you can sometimes tell when a customer isn't going to be anything but difficult for the duration of their visit.

"Take it back!"
"Take it back!"


This seems especially true in the restaurant industry. Some customers aren't the nicest.

A woman complaining about her food to a waiter
Jackf / Getty Images/iStockphoto

We want to hear from servers and restaurant workers: What are some of the little things customers do that are a glaring red flag to you that your shift is about to get a little more difficult.

Screenshot from "The Princess and the Frog"
Screenshot from "The Princess and the Frog"


For example, maybe the second you see someone at the table raise their hand to get your attention, they'll be high-maintenance and they won't tip well.

A man raising his hand at the dinner table
Drazen Zigic / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Maybe in your experience, if someone orders with more than four modifications to their meal, the odds of you making it to their liking on your first attempt goes down by 80%.

A woman ordering food and looking angry
Innovatedcaptures / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Or, maybe you're a bartender and have picked up on how there's one certain drink that the most persnickety people order.

"I'm thinking I'll make my specialty for ya!"
"I'm thinking I'll make my specialty for ya!"


Whatever it is, we want to know. In this 100% anonymous Google form or in the comments below, tell us some things customers do that are spoilers to their nightmare behavior.