'Sesame Street' Pride Tweet Sends Homophobes Into A Tail Spin

Sesame Street
Sesame Street
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Sesame Street is (once again) showing support for inclusivity, and the homophobes are predictably losing their marbles in response.

The Twitter account for the long-running kids’ TV show shared a simple tweet almost halfway through June, writing, “On our Street, we celebrate inclusion, belonging, and freedom of authentic self-expression. Happy #PrideMonth to all the people in our neighborhoods!”

Included was a picture of the rainbow flag with the extra chevron representing the trans community and BIPOC, alongside some smiling flowers and a butterfly—overall a completely harmless celebration of inclusion, unless you are a person who is opposed to LGBTQ+ inclusivity on a fundamental level.


“On our Street, we celebrate inclusion, belonging, and freedom of authentic self-expression. Happy #PrideMonth to all the people in our neighborhoods! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗🤍🤎🖤”

And of course, there are plenty of people who fit that bill. Namely, the unhinged folks who think “groomer” is an appropriate or meaningful response to anyone who dares be or support anything LGBTQ+ in the presence of children.


“Sesame Street wants to castrate/sterilize as many kids as possible.”


“@BBC_dip @sesamestreet A few decades ago Sesame Street featured a married couple. No one was freaking out then. And Sesame Street didn't *teach* anything about intercourse then and it doesn't now.”


“@HowieF1FTY @sesamestreet Yeah! We don't want our kids learning about diversity, acceptance, and inclusion! What audacity Sesame Street has for telling kids people deserve to be loved and accepted just as they are!”


“Now renamed GROOMER STREET. 🤮”


“@Ornament_j @sesamestreet Yes, a show that has spent 54 years teaching us how to get along with people of all walks of life and how to love our differences has suddenly changed to... teaching us how to get along with people of all walks of life and how to love our differences...”


“@Alexandra4Trump @sesamestreet Sesame Street is teaching kids respect and basic knowledge like your 123s and ABCs, it’s not grooming. You literally have a ✝️ in your name, so stop grooming kids into christianity lmao.”


“How many genders there are:”

To the logical person, there’s no shortage of idiocy on display here. To start, toddlers aren’t reading Twitter, so they aren’t even remotely in “danger” of coming across this Pride month message.

Moreover, at this point we all know it’s ignorant, if not completely disingenuous, to suggest acknowledgement of LGBTQ+ people is about sexualization, let alone of children. Shows that offer diverse representation for young children do so because young children come from diverse backgrounds—which can certainly include families with two moms or two dads.

But again, this is merely a tweet. And it’s a tweet from a show that has always been more inclusive than many children’s shows for the decades it has existed; and yes, that includes showing support for and including the LGBTQ+ community in the past. Which begs the question: Have these people swearing off letting their children watch Sesame Street even seen Sesame Street before?

Fortunately, once you get beyond the responses from people who pay for Twitter Blue and major rightwing organizations whose entire business model relies on manufactured outrage against whomever they perceive the enemy to be in the moment, the reaction was much more pleasant.


“Friendly reminder: Sesame Street has always been about acceptance. There is no way the residents of Sesame Street would be homophobic and you if you think that, you don't deserve the show or the characters”


“I absolutely love Sesame Street for not caving to bigots and standing up for kids and their families”


“What #Pride means to me is acceptance, diversity, inclusion, & love. It's about understanding that "normal" is entirely a social construct, and the true kaleidoscope of what it means to be human is practically undefinable. Not a single pair of human lives will ever be identical.”


“Sesame Street has taught the importance of diversity and inclusion since day one back in 1969. I’m proud to say that it was a part of my childhood.”

It’s also worth noting that this is actually the fourth time so far this month that the Sesame Street Twitter has posted a positive Pride-related message, proving that they have no interest in bowing to the homophobes that are trying to rip this country apart for their own bigoted entertainment.


“@sesamestreet Good for @sesamestreet! Kindness and acceptance never go out of style.”


“@sesamestreet ❤🧡💛💚💙💜 let's all be better humans. That includes the snowflakes melting down over this post about love and acceptance.”


“@sesamestreet Prejudice, discrimination, bigotry, intolerance & hate of any kind have no place on Sesame Street or any street. For over 50 years, Sesame Street has been & always will be the kindest place where monsters, birds, fairies & people of all kinds are welcome.”