Set up for success: CU Boulder taps into state-funded program to help residents complete degrees

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Dec. 3—In less than a month, Beth Amsel's life took a 360-degree turn.

After her marriage ended this past spring, and years after her musical career had grown stagnant, Amsel, 51, knew she didn't have a lot of career options. She also knew exactly what she needed to do to change that.

She immediately reached out to the University of Colorado Boulder and asked about re-enrolling — 30 years after she dropped out — and was quickly connected with Ann Herrmann, who told Amsel about a new program designed specifically for people like her.

In about 14 days, she moved back to Boulder and applied for college. Before she knew it, Amsel was back on campus in Boulder, pursuing a major in history. This time, though, she knows for sure — college is exactly where she wants to be.

"It's amazing. I am so thankful, and I love every minute of it — even when I feel overwhelmed, which is often," Amsel said.

Amsel started college again at CU Boulder this past fall and is part of the new state funded Finish What You Started Program, which helps Colorado residents go back to college and earn a certificate or degree.

Suzanne Classen, assistant dean for students at CU Boulder, said the campus learned about the new program through the Colorado Department of Higher Education in the summer of 2021. Late last year, the campus was awarded a $3.1 million five-year grant as part of the program, which allowed the campus to hire Herrmann, an advisor and program manager for the initiative, and Michelle Pagnani, as an academic coach and coordinator.

Classen said CU Boulder started student outreach in April and has since enrolled 89 students and has awarded $230,000 worth of scholarships to the students who have opted to participate. To qualify, students must have been economically impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, be a Colorado resident, must have taken at least two semesters off college and had to have been previously enrolled at CU Boulder. She added that CU Boulder is primarily looking to enroll students who can graduate by 2026.

The campus' goal is to have 300 students participate before the five-year grant ends, Classen said.

Herrmann added that students can receive up to $3,000 per semester as well as a one-time $1,000 grant depending on their financial needs that can be used to pay for housing, gas, past tuition and more.

"I work with (students) to figure out how to make the best use of that money so that we're limiting their out-of-pocket expenses and the need to take out any private loans," Herrmann said.

What's unique about this program, Classen said, is not just the funding available to students who have decided to return to college but the amount of support they receive from employees like Herrmann and Pagnani.

"For a lot of students it's a huge step to come back to school and just making sure they are getting the support in the day-to-day while they're here, but they're (also) thinking of the bigger picture as well," Classen said. "I think seeing the end goal is also helpful — even from the beginning."

Herrmann said her work is primarily focused on student outreach — talking to potential students about the program and returning to college, but she also works as a career advisor.

"My goal is to help students be gainfully employed upon graduation as well, so I help with the wide range of career questions," she said.

Pagnani on the other hand, said about 80 to 90% of her role involves life or career coaching while the rest pertains to building academic skills. She added that in her work, she uses a lot of psychology and motivational interviewing techniques to help students with time and stress management as well as with self confidence and motivation.

For Amsel, the regular accountability check-ins Pagnani offers have been critical since she returned to CU Boulder, she said.

One example of coaching Pagnani was able to help with was setting up a reverse calendar, Amsel said. On her calendar, Pagnani taught her how to mark all of her deadlines for the school year and then go in and backfill the dates to add everything going on in between those deadlines.

"Michelle was able to look at what my specific needs were from an academic standpoint (and) from a psychological standpoint and see where I was missing some key pieces that would affect my overall success," Amsel said.

Amsel is on track to graduate with her undergraduate degree in 2024 and will then jump straight into graduate school to study psychology, she said.

After leaving CU Boulder in 1994, Amsel never looked back. But now that she has returned, she said she's grateful for the opportunity the program has given her and others who took a break to return to college and get the support needed to stay and be successful.

"I wish every student had an academic advisor and an academic coach and someone who specifically helped through the financial aid process," Amsel said. "All of these pieces are put in place specifically for us — to help us succeed in a way that we couldn't succeed prior."

More information about the program offered at CU Boulder is available at