Seth Meyers: Michael Bloomberg knows what he's doing

If you believe late-night host Seth Meyers, former New York city mayor and billionaire Michael Bloomberg knows exactly what he's doing when it comes to entering the race for president. Relax, says Meyers, jokingly, really rich people always know what they're doing because, well, they're really rich.

Last week, news broke that Bloomberg was indeed considering entering an already overcrowded Democratic primary field and our intrepid late-night comics wasted no time telling America where they stand on the issue of a Bloomberg candidacy. Meyers reveals that Bloomberg's fickleness reminds the comedian of his mother, while Trevor Noah riffs on how President Donald Trump underplayed his relationship with Bloomberg when asked about his fellow billionaire's presidential aspirations.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Best of Late Night: Meyers says Bloomberg knows what he's doing