Sewer loan for Beach City approved

Beach City Village Council

Monday meeting

KEY ACTION: Heard a sewer loan with the Ohio Water Development Agency was approved at 3.5% with Rural Action, a move that will reduce costs.

DISCUSSION: Village Clerk Debra Rentsch said refinancing the loan will save the village $12,000. Solicitor Stephan Babik presented a draft of an ordinance to review, prior to a first reading, for the village administrator and village clerk to enter into an agreement with Ohio Water Development Agency for a loan.

In another matter, council heard the first reading of an ordinance allowing the Falcon baseball and softball teams to have priority to use the village ballfields.


  • Authorized Babik to draft legislation for abandonment of power lines outside of the village. The area is Hillview Mobile Home Park located just south of Brewster. Beach City supplies electric to the park but the park is located in the Brewster corporation limits.

  • Heard a request from Rentsch that council turn off cellphones and stop shuffling papers during the meeting so the recording can be heard.

  • Discussed overdue utility bills in the amount of $327,000. Council took no action on the matter.

  • Approved $1,340 for a new computer for the village income tax department.

  • Heard Mayor John Hartman entered into an agreement with the county health department for mosquito spraying.

  • Approved $1,500 to purchase an ice machine for the fire department. The village and fire department will each pay half of the cost.

  • Gave approval to the police to purchase hand-held radios for $1,000 and $200 to purchase items to distribute to the children when police visit with them.


  • Council gave a monetary donation in memory of late former mayor Connie White.

  • Council did not approve the June 6 minutes as the village clerk was absent.

  • Thanked Council member Mary Beth Yoder for donating items to distribute to the children in the village when police visit with them.

Barb Limbacher

This article originally appeared on The Repository: Sewer loan for Beach City approved