Sewickley Township man receives prison sentence for sexual assault of teen

Mar. 3—A Sewickley Township man was ordered to serve a 10- to 20-year prison sentence Friday for the sexual assault of a teenager in 2021.

Steven Stemmler, 40, was convicted by a Westmoreland County jury last summer of statutory sexual assault, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, aggravated assault, indecent assault and corruption of minors in connection with allegations from a 15-year-old girl who claimed they had an ongoing sexual relationship.

Common Pleas Court Judge Christopher Feliciani imposed the sentence after Assistant District Attorney Adam Barr said the prosecution would not waive a mandatory minimum penalty required under Pennsylvania law.

The judge ordered Stemmler also serve three additional years on probation. Stemmler faces a lifetime requirement that he register with authorities as a convicted sex offender.

Prosecutors contend Stemmler met the girl at a campground and cultivated a sexual relationship with the teen while also having another consensual sexual relationship with a 22-year-old woman.

During a two-day trial last August, the prosecution claimed Stemmler's girlfriend and the teen became friends. The teen later confessed her sexual relationship with Stemmler to his girlfriend, who reported the allegation to police.

Stemmler denied the allegations at trial. His defense lawyer argued the teen had a crush on Stemmler and made up the claims because she was jealous of the relationship he had with his girlfriend.

Stemmler did not speak during his sentencing hearing.

Prior to start of the trial, prosecutors dismissed rape and two other related offenses in connection with allegations that Stemmler sexually assaulted another woman. That accuser originally contended she was raped after she passed out in Stemmler's camper after consuming a large amount of vodka.

Rich Cholodofsky is a Tribune-Review staff writer. You can contact Rich by email at or via Twitter .