Sex ed, remote learning among issues at Frankford school board race candidates forum

FRANKFORD — Three of the candidates running in the township's contested school board race met with voters at a forum Thursday night, with New Jersey's controversial new health standards and the impact of remote learning among the topics of discussion. Jamie Aromando, Lara Longberg and Andrew Lubchansky fielded questions from parents and students in the Frankford Township School gym for about 90 minutes at the forum. The environment was designed as a "casual sit-down" to avoid the tensions that often arise from typical debate settings, said Matt Storch, president of the Frankford Township Education Association.

Aromando, Longberg and Lubchansky are among five candidates vying for three open seats on the school board in the Nov. 8 election. Leif Anderson and John Tiger, who are running with Aromando on a "Conservative Frankford Parents" ticket, were unable to attend the forum and did not respond to a request for comment Friday.

Frankford, like many New Jersey districts, has dealt with heated public debate over the state's new sex and gender education standards that introduces mature terms and discussions in earlier grades than previous standards.

Longberg, the lone incumbent in this year's race, said the board listened to community feedback, made adjustments and included an opt-out provision when approving the district curriculum based on those state standards last month. But she said her experience as a psychologist at Sussex Middle School has shown her that certain lessons are key for children, who often have questions as they are growing up.

"This information about their own sexual health and their own development is so important," Longberg said. "I feel like they need to be armed with facts, not with things that they found online."

Lubchansky, who served on the nine-member school board before he was defeated in last year's election, said a board's job is to meet state standards regardless of whether or not members agree with them. He felt Frankford implemented a "conservative approach" to the curriculum that showed a willingness to compromise with concerned community members.

"You're never going to be perfect. It's never going to be exactly what everyone wants," Lubchansky said. "There's an old saying in politics: 'Compromise is where no one is happy.' That's kind of where I come from, and that's what meeting in the middle is about."

Aromando, a speech therapist at Fredon Township School, said she "cannot stand behind the new health curriculum in its entirety." She feels some children are not ready for mature material and should learn it from their parents.

"It is my opinion that the students will not fully understand the educational side behind these topics," Aromando said. "I know there are some high schoolers who are not mature enough to handle the same topics when they are presented in the classroom setting. How do we expect our elementary and middle school students to comprehend and take the matter seriously?"

The state standards don't require sex education in the early grades, but envision broad discussions of debunking gender stereotypes by second grade. Fifth graders are expected to know “the connection between sexual intercourse and human reproduction,” whereas earlier standards discussed puberty.

Eighth graders are now expected to know definitions of vaginal, oral and anal sex, where earlier standards limited classroom education to broader topics like sexual attraction, contraception and pregnancy.

Lubchansky said the curriculum debate has helped bring to the forefront what he cited as his top priority as a board member: constant communication between the school and the overall community.

"I think we need to have more input on a more frequent basis, and not just when there are hot-button issues that come up," he said. "There are relatively small things that happen throughout the district that can also use input from the community, and asking for that input on a more regular basis I think strengthens the relationship that we have with the public."

Aromando also highlighted the relationship among district stakeholders and said everyone needs to know their voices are being heard. The board, she said, needs a candidate to "be the voice of the people they represent and not someone whose vote represents their personal opinions."

Longberg said she wants to help students continue to recover from problems learning remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic, a sentiment that is evident in her campaign slogan: "Putting Children First."

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"I have no big budget, no hidden agendas," she said. "I really care about the kids, and I feel that I'm really here for the right reasons, which is to focus on the children."

The forum, co-hosted by the Education Association and PTA, was the first election event ever organized by the two groups, Storch said. He wanted Thursday to show students the importance of school board elections while also helping the voters make their decision next month.

"Oddly enough, with all the social media that's out there, it's still difficult to really know much about the individual candidates," Storch said. "And it's just so important now to be as informed as you possibly can to ideally find a candidate that's best for you."

Kyle Morel is a local reporter covering Morris and Sussex counties.

Email:; Twitter: @KMorelNJH

This article originally appeared on New Jersey Herald: Frankford NJ school candidates talk sex ed, remote learning