Sexist job listing by Indiana candy shop owner hit with over 44,000 Facebook comments

A candy shop’s sexist job listing was hit with significant backlash — and the owner isn’t backing down or apologizing.

Randy Good, the owner of Good’s Candy Shop in Anderson, Indiana, posted a lengthy job opening announcement to his business’s Facebook page Thursday.

In the Facebook post, Good shared his poor experiences with certain types of employee behaviors, including laziness, manipulation, lying and “worst of all combined, the splitters.”

“Splitting is a behavior of girls, young mostly but not always. Usually taught by their mothers. This is the person who talks about others in an attempt to split people apart and feel better about themselves,” Good posted. “...This my friends, is poison in action. These misguided gals have no end game. It’s just spreading and stirring all the while believing they are innocent. It’s such a common thing among girls. This is where toxicity and drama find their roots.”

Good said “it’s hard to deal with” especially because “many times they are good workers, which is even more frustrating.”

“I can also say with certainty, there is no cure,” Good said.

His male employees, however?

“Boys seldom practice this,” Good said. “They just duke it out! ha!”

By Tuesday, the Facebook post had over 44,000 comments and Good wasn’t shying away.

“I wish to begin with an apology,” Good said Tuesday. “As you may know there have been things typed onto this page that is difficult to read. But not from me!! ha!! I’m sorry for the language folks have placed in their comments. It’s just awful.”

Good said he had hired employees for the jobs starting at $11 per hour and “the energy in the shop is thrilling ... Our Good’s Girls and Guy are operating at optimum level.”

“We all have benefited from the attacks and slander,” Good said. “They’ve provided even more resolve to be the best.”