‘Sham trials’ – International groups slams Iran’s sham justice in deliberate downing of UIA passenger plane

Літак рейсу PS752 збили біля Тегерану 8 січня 2020 року
Літак рейсу PS752 збили біля Тегерану 8 січня 2020 року

“The sham trials that took place in Tehran must not distract the world from Iran’s failure to meet its international obligations and take responsibility for its actions,” the statement says.

“Neither the trials, nor the verdicts announced this week, bring truth or justice to the families of the victims, as the entire process starting with Iran’s biased investigation into the downing lacking the necessary impartiality and transparency.”

Families of the 176 innocent victims are still waiting for the justice they deserve, said the MFA.

“We continue to stand in solidarity with the families and loved ones of the victims of the downing of Flight PS752 and will not rest until justice has been served,” reads the report.

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Iran sentenced 10 soldiers for shooting down the UIA passenger plane over Tehran.

One commander was sentenced to 10 years, with the remaining soldiers receiving sentences ranging from one to three years.

UIA’s Boeing 737-800, en route from Tehran to Kyiv, was shot down shortly after takeoff on Jan. 8, 2020, killing everyone on board, including 11 Ukrainians. Most victims were citizens of Iran and Canada.

Four days after the crash, the Iranian military admitted that it was them that shot down the Ukrainian plane. Two hits from Iranian missiles were recorded by the plane’s black box – the first damaged the plane, with the pilots managing to keep it flying; but the second missile destroyed the aircraft.

Iran says it was a mistake by the person operating the air defense system, not a deliberate order from military leaders.

Ukraine disagrees and wants access to the investigation.

Ukraine is also seeking compensation.

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