Share your videos, photos & news tips

Have a news tip, video (cell, doorbell camera, etc.) or photo you want to share with the Asbury Park Press? We want to know what's going on in your region of the Jersey Shore.
Have a news tip, video (cell, doorbell camera, etc.) or photo you want to share with the Asbury Park Press? We want to know what's going on in your region of the Jersey Shore.

Have a news tip, video or photo you want to share with the Asbury Park Press? We want to know what's going on in your region of the Jersey Shore. Email newstips to or to share videos/photos, fill out our Google form.

Please include the following:

  • Your name, email and phone number (Your email and phone number are only used in the event we need to contact you.)

  • Sharing a newstip? Be as detailed as possible: location, issue/concern, who to contact, etc.

  • Submitting a video? Tell us what it's about: location, date of video, names of anyone in the video, etc.

  • Submitting an image? Tell us what it's about: location, date of photo, names of anyone in the photo, etc.

By sharing information with, you consent that your news may be:

  • Published in the Asbury Park Press newspaper.

  • Used on the website.

  • Used in any other manner that is consistent with the journalistic mission of the Asbury Park Press.

Your email and phone number are only used in the event we need to contact you.

This article originally appeared on Asbury Park Press: Asbury Park Press: Share your videos, photos & news tips