Sharon Sorenson column: If you want to attract birds to your yard, the habitat matters

Want to draw more birds to your yard? The birds can teach you how.

During spring migration, most of us see more birds than during any other time. For a few weeks, rose-breasted grosbeaks grab our attention, Swainson’s thrushes enrich the morning chorus, Baltimore and orchard orioles make us wide-eyed, and indigo buntings flash brilliant blue.

While grosbeaks and thrushes are only moving through, heading to breeding grounds farther north, others like orioles and buntings nest here. So do summer and scarlet tanagers and other colorful neotropicals like dickcissels, yellow-billed cuckoos, prothonotary warblers, American redstarts, barn swallows, purple martins, common yellowthroats, and yellow-throated warblers.

Attracting some of these nesters to the yard for the breeding season would be a coup in anyone's books! But as always, for birds it's about habitat. Always.

For the Birds: Migrant birds bring tropical colors to the Midwest each spring

So, unless you live in or near a sizeable body of water, you'll unlikely attract prothonotary warblers. Purple martins live in colonies, so it's an all-or-none situation with them. And dickcissels prefer shrubby grasslands, never a tended lawn. But there are other nester candidates.

A pair of common yellowthroats has chosen to nest in the densest part of the garden where the male surveys his territory from the wires of a plant support.
A pair of common yellowthroats has chosen to nest in the densest part of the garden where the male surveys his territory from the wires of a plant support.

Converting a sterile, manicured lawn to attractive nesting bird habitat can happen with selective planting. In fact, creating bird-friendly habitat begins by learning which birds prefer which plants – and why. After all, birds are irrevocably tied to the plants around them for everything – food, shelter, nest sites, and nest materials, everything elemental to a bird’s life. Here's a surprise: Your yard doesn't attract birds with feeders or feed (although those amenities may draw them closer to your windows). Instead, birds check yards first for plants, large and small – in other words, for habitat. Feeders rank a poor second.

Just like people, different birds choose different habitats. Some favor tall grasslands; others choose forest edges; some prefer dense conifers, and so on. Thus, the more diverse a yard's habitat, the more diverse the birds it attracts. Watching birds we hope to attract helps teach us what they like.

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So study which birds hang out where. Note the habitat. Then mimic that habitat in your yard.

For instance, over the past weeks, I’ve watched scarlet tanagers, orioles, and cedar waxwings frequent blossoming tulip trees, enjoying nectar and bugs the nectar attracts. Ditto at blossoming wild black cherry and locust. Lesson learned: native blossoming trees matter.

A gray catbird sings daily from a damp thicket where, amid brambles, a native grape vine climbs high. In fall, the wild grapes serve needed nutrition for migrants returning south. Lesson learned: native berry producers matter.

Common yellowthroats pop up from dense American black current shrubs while yellow-throated warblers sing from high in the conifers. Cuckoos thrive on caterpillars, so they're foraging among the oaks for dinner-serving webs. Swifts, swallows, martins, and nighthawks survive grabbing bugs mid-air, so plants that host the bugs feed these birds. Lesson learned: dense habitat, height variations, and bug production matter.

We've lost 3 billion birds over the past 40 years primarily because of habitat loss and insecticide use. So every yard counts — yes, even a tiny pots-and-patio yard — toward eliminating further loss. Lesson learned: your yard matters.

For more, see "Planting Native to Attract Birds to Your Yard," available from booksellers or online. In it, I detail a straight-forward five-step plan for any size yard.

A watchful eye will teach you more.

For more information about birds and bird habitat, see Sharon Sorenson's books How Birds Behave, Birds in the Yard Month by Month, and Planting Native to Attract Birds to Your Yard. Check her website at, follow daily bird activity on Facebook at SharonSorensonBirdLady, or email her at

This article originally appeared on Evansville Courier & Press: Sharon Sorenson column: If you want to attract birds to your yard, the habitat matters