Sheila Hickman: What was Columbia like 85 years ago?

Sheila Hickman, Columbia
Sheila Hickman, Columbia

Historians love to find old dusty books that someone put aside thinking they are worthless. When the dust is brushed off, and the books are opened, suddenly the past comes to life.

The history of Columbia is recorded in detail just as the annals of Maury County are because someone kept a copy. Fortunately for historians, many of these records were printed for posterity’s sake, and the bound volumes are especially valuable.

My most recent historical find is "A Compilation of the General Laws and Ordinances of Columbia" published in 1934. The compliers were L. Z, Turpin, corporation counsel, and Harry T. Cook, city attorney. In 236 pages, the laws of Columbia are given in their entirety with dates for the original laws and addenda as private acts or other changes were made. The preface states that this is the first such volume published since 1920.  Mr. Turpin and Mr. Cook hoped that their work was approved by the officials and the citizens of Columbia.

Eighty-five years ago, Maury County was still a mostly agrarian community, but Columbia, founded in 1806, was a growing city. The Charter of the City of Columbia opens the book, which marks boundaries and establishes corporate powers. The document reads just as many old surveys do using rocks and hackberry trees and even unnamed streets as boundaries.

For example, “Beginning at the mouth of White Springs Branch of Duck River; thence up said branch 15 ½ degrees west, 250 degrees to a stake…to the corner of a rock wall… “  Another mentions, “…crossing Duck River to a post in John Russell’s lot.”

If the tree of the rock were no longer there, how would anyone know his property line?

The city had five wards established by a private act in 1927.

The form of government was mayor and alderman with two alderman from each ward.  The terms of office were two years, and the general election was held on the fourth Thursday in October. The poll’s hours were from nine in the morning until six that night.  The poll lists and tally sheets had to be returned to the city recorder in five days.

How slowly everything moved!

The most detailed part of this book is the listing of powers granted to the legislative body, the mayor and alderman. Of course, the first duty is to levy and collect taxes, but Section Six, which addresses multiple duties reflects a changing town just as the nation was growing. Some of the requirements seem almost humorous now, but remember we have rules for nearly everything too.

Smallpox quarantine regulations

Part 3 of Section 6 requires the establishment of quarantine regulations since small pox, and such diseases were highly contagious. The mayor was to appoint a suitable person and pay him to see that all persons in the city were properly vaccinated. There was also an admonition to close wells or springs suspected of being unhealthful.

The list of rules continued with cellars being covered since mosquitoes could breed there. No one could deposit ashes or cleanings on the public square including slop, filth, and trash. Dead carcasses could not remain on the street. Throwing water on the sidewalk was prohibited unless its purpose was settling the dust. Privies and stables were to be kept clean and ready for inspection.

The chapter delineating traffic and parking violations is entertaining.

A horse, mare, or mule could go no faster than a trot or pace in the city limits. It was unlawful to drive horses, mules, and livestock of any kind through the public square. Vehicles such as wagons and drays could not be left on the streets at night. Leaving your horse hitched to a carriage or cart, while doing business was prohibited lest the horse runaway. These requirements were written in the 1880s.

Traffic concerns even back then

The 20s and the automobile required a different set of laws. The first drivers’ licenses were issued when the driver sent one dollar to the state. By 1926, children under 15 were prohibited from driving cars. Parking in designated areas was allowed for one hour. Vehicles could not park from the square on West Seventh to Garden Street.  Traffic around the square must bear to the right. There are stories of cars going down West Seventh and making U turns right in front of the courthouse. Cars could go no faster than 30 mph.  Trucks and buses could only go 20 mph. Vehicles were to have two lights in front and one behind. Automobiles had to have state-issued license numbers displayed in front and rear.

Since automobiles were new, and drivers seemingly trained themselves, the rules list Dummy Officers with words printed that traffic must go to the right at various streets, including Walker and West Seventh. These figures are reminiscent of those we had at school crossings when I was a child. Cars were to back into the curb, leaving ample room for pedestrians. Parking around the courthouse was strictly prohibited. The fine was not less than $5 nor more than $50. Taxis could not park at the curb of the train station or have someone solicit business for them. Remember that the train station was a busy place in 1925.

In 1929, traffic signals were installed at West Seventh and Garden and at South Main and Ninth. The lights operated from seven in the morning until ten at night. The one key which controlled the switches was kept at city hall at all times. Drivers were reminded to stop at red lights and go at green lights. This note reminds us that every decade has brought changes to which the citizenry must adapt.

Presently the signs on our square remind us that pedestrians have the right of way.

In 1925 pedestrians had the right of way too, but they were prohibited from crossing streets diagonally especially at West Seventh and Garden.

This article originally appeared on The Daily Herald: Sheila Hickman: What was Columbia like 85 years ago?