Shellys: The joy, wonder and benefits of walking

Something as mundane as walking isn’t seen in that context by those, who WALK.  It is not merely getting from one place to another, although that happens.   What matters is what happens while walking.  This poem says it well: “I walk in my thoughts – each step taken evokes new ideas, every breath of the wind expanding them.  I open myself to these new words, that will form into more new thoughts, new thoughts that will take me on more walks.  I’m never alone as long as my thoughts are with me, they cuddle and provoke me, as each thought begets another.  There is comfort in silence, solace in thinking, passion in ideas, creation in words, as I walk in my thoughts.”  Wordsworth is said to have spent much of his life on foot, walking in the Lake District in England.  Henry David Thoreau often walked up to 20 miles at a time before putting pen to paper.  A long list of writers considered it part of their craft.  We have a minister friend, who walks every Friday morning in Palo Duro Canyon.  One of our most memorable walks was in the rain on the Robert Frost Interpretive Trail.

The pragmatic person might see things differently.  Walking is simply healthy and good for us.  In 2021 Harvard Health Publishing offered this list of benefits:  Walking counteracts the affects of weight promoting genes, it helps tame the sweet tooth, it reduces the risk of developing breast cancer, it eases joint pain, and boosts our immune function. Someday you might go to the doctor and she will give you a prescription that simply says, “WALK.”

Walter and Linda Shelly
Walter and Linda Shelly

Tara Struyk offers a broader insight.  She offers a list of “25 Reasons You Should Take a Walk.” Walking is a great way to enjoy the weather, it is free (but it does give you an excuse to buy new shoes if you are so inclined), it is good for your blood sugar, back, brain, weight, heart, bones, the environment, not to mention your relationships – human or dog.  Walking lets you explore, get to know your neighbors, and find new businesses in your neighborhood.  It can be an excuse to get some coffee or ice cream.  Walking provides the opportunity to listen to music or learn new things via podcasts.  If you have a walking partner, you can talk or walk together in silence.  It can be a time for reflection.  You can do it anytime of the day – first thing in the morning, afternoon, before dinner or late at night.  Linda likes to walk as the sun is coming up, Walt after breakfast, and both of us in the evening as the stars come out and the day is ending.  She concludes with “The best part of walking is that you never know where it will take you!”

All walking is not equal, however.  It can be as hard as you make it, as in “power walking,” or as easy as you want it to be, as in “strolling,” or as in “hiking,” which entails a bit of both.  When we were in Europe, we noticed people strolling, usually men with their hands clasped behind their backs.  We have a friend, who engages in the art of strolling, probably due to his time in Vienna.   Most Americans are in too much of a hurry.  Sometimes, it is said, that walking is not pleasurable and it may be described as “trudging,” provoking the image of slow, heavy walking.

All of us have our own reasons for walking, perhaps focused on the pragmatic and utilitarian reasons or in pursuit of the serendipitous, accidental adventures it can bring.  When we traveled by Euro rail in Europe, we did a lot of walking.  Walt would probably say even some trudging in order to find the next surprise just around the corner.  When you walk, it heightens your senses.  We believe this person has it right: “It’s while I’m walking that I notice the frost on the grass, or a rabbit hiding behind a tree, or the moon peeking out from behind the clouds.  It’s when I’m walking that I get a great idea, or realize that the one I thought was great is actually pretty lame.  I’ve explored the neighborhood where I live, and admired and fantasized about the ones I’d like to move to.  I guess that’s why walking is such a well-worn metaphor for life, you might not know where you’re headed, but all you’ve got to do is keep putting one foot in front of the other.”  Here’s to walking!

Walter Shelly retired after 40 years as a professor of political science at West Texas A&M University. Linda Shelly retired after 33 years of teaching sociology at West Texas A&M University and Amarillo College.

This article originally appeared on Amarillo Globe-News: Shellys the joy, wonder and benefits of walking