Sheriff Sees Rise In Domestic Violence During Coronavirus Crisis

PASCO COUNTY, FL — Stress caused by the coronavirus pandemic combined with residents being confined to their homes has led to an increase in domestic violence and other mental health-related calls in Pasco County, according to Sheriff Chris Nocco.

Nocco said domestic violence calls were up 13 percent in February compared to the same time in 2019 and up 11 percent in March.

In March, Pasco County Sheriff's deputies responded to 862 domestic violence calls, up from 775 last year.

Additionally, he said the number of drug overdoses has risen during the pandemic as residents turn to drugs to relieve anxiety.

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If you're in immediate danger from a domestic violence incident, call 911. Anyone dealing with domestic violence issues can also seek advice by calling the Florida Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-500-1119.

Other sources of help include The Salvation Army Domestic Violence Program of West Pasco.The crisis hotline is 727-856-5797

The program provides free, comprehensive services to victims of abuse and domestic violence, and educates others about domestic violence prevention. The program also has a safe residential facility available at all times.

The Sunrise Domestic & Sexual Violence Center of Dade City is continuing to combat domestic and sexual violence in the community through the coronavirus pandemic with modifications to keep survivors, staff and volunteers healthy.

It offers shelter housing and services for survivors and domestic violence outreach/advisory services although the domestic violence support groups have been suspended for the time being.

The hotline/helpline is available 24 hours a day seven days a week at 352-521-3120.

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This article originally appeared on the New Port Richey Patch