Silly Safaris entertains at Lebanon library

Jun. 24—Caraline Garvin wasn't about to kiss a toad, and the face she made drew laughter from the other children at the Lebanon Public Library Thursday afternoon.

But she did offer him a handshake, and that may explain why he did not turn into a prince and instead returned to a life as a Silly Safaris entertainer. Plus, Caraline knew he was a toad and not a frog.

Rick Davis of Silly Safaris brought the diaper-wearing toad as part of a small menagerie that included a great Dane, a tarantula, a father-and-son rabbit duo, a bearded dragon, a Eurasian Eagle Owl, and a 60-pound Burmese python that drew squeals of delight and sent two boys shrieking to the back of the library's meeting room.

Davis' visit was the library's first animal event since 2019 because the coronavirus made it difficult for a crowd to gather. About 150 adults and children attended the performance and lined up to pet some of the animals afterward.

Annie the Owl impressed the crowd with her piercing gold eyes and 6-foot wingspan but remained out of site for petting time, because she's a raptor with sharp, powerful talons and a beak for shredding prey.

But Moose, the Great Dane, luxuriated in belly rubs from a parade of children and sometimes returned the favor by slathering their faces with his giant tongue.

Rabbits Brian and his son Bri Bri patiently accepted toddler and mom cuddles without jumping away.

The python is named Star because she's always the star of the show, Davis said. "She's an awkward 60 pounds," he added with Star's head in his hand and her other end wrapped around his back and leg.

Children approached her openly and wanted to stroke her scales while others had to observe for a bit to get their nerve up, but Davis was patient and alert to each child's needs, assuring them they didn't have to touch her if they didn't want to. One girl looked so frightened that she drew applause when she rested her palm on star for a moment.

Silly Safaris, Inc., based in Acton, visits all Marion County libraries and many throughout Central Indiana and the Midwest through the summer. Davis makes the rounds to libraries, daycares, churches and other places likely to have children. Some shows include aardvarks while tree frogs entertain at others.

Silly Safaris also makes the rounds with live reindeer during Christmastime.