Single mom who was abused needs help with car repairs. Can you Lend a Hand?

As a single mother who is a domestic violence survivor, the last few years have not been easy for Nicole. Walking a financial tight rope, Nicole works two jobs just to make ends meet and keep food on the table for her family. In addition, she is also taking classes to try to get a better paying job. Nicole is working toward financial stability with Quincy Community Action Programs through financial and career coaching at QCAP’s Financial REACH Center and with food assistance at the South West Community Center.

Nicole, who lives in Stoughton, relies on her car to help her get to two jobs, but her car has needed serious repairs since October, making it difficult to get to work. She get free rides from friends or has relied on Uber, the latter making her tight budget even tighter.

Nicole is resilient and a hard worker, but she has experienced a lot of financial hardship. Although she tries and tries to move forward, these car repairs have set her back and make it difficult to provide the basics for her family.

Nicole would be grateful for the help of Lend A Hand funds to fix her car. The car repairs would allow her to get to work safely and consistently so she can continue to provide for her family.

About Lend a Hand

Lend a Hand, The Patriot Ledger's annual holiday charitable program, began in 1998 and has raised more than $3.3 million for South Shore families and people in need. Working with three established community service agencies Quincy Community Action Programs, South Shore Community Action Council and Aspire Health Alliance − Lend a Hand has presented compelling stories of people in need and invited readers to open their hearts and wallets to help.

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This article originally appeared on The Patriot Ledger: Single mom who was abused needs car repaired. Can you Lend a Hand?