Here’s Where “Single All The Way” Rates In The Queer Holiday Movie Pantheon

On today's episode of BuzzFeed Daily, we broke down the top pop culture headlines AND discussed Single All the Way. You can listen below or scroll down to read more about the interview!

So let's dive right into it! Recently we talked to USA Today’s David Oliver about Netflix’s queer romcom Single All the Way. Here's an excerpt from our interview:

BuzzFeed Daily: So, David, you wrote a piece about Single All the Way for USA Today and we wanted to have you on to talk about it. In the last few years, Hollywood has finally started making some content created by and centered around queer people. This includes holiday movies like last year's Happiest Season and The Christmas House. In your opinion, how do you think Single All the Way stands out in the queer holiday pantheon?

Philemon Chambers and Michael Urie in Single All the Way

BuzzFeed Daily: This movie is also special, because, according to The Hollywood Reporter, Philemon Chambers, who plays one of the leads, is the first Black actor to star in a queer holiday rom-com. Plus, all three gay male leads are played by gay men, and the movie was written by a gay man. While this might sound like a normal thing for a gay film, it's not that common. So how do you think that added to this film?

Philemon Chambers in Single All the Way

BuzzFeed Daily: You actually got to speak to a few members of the cast about their experience working on the movie. Did they share any insight about what it meant to them to be able to tell this story?

DO: I spoke to Philemon, Michael [Urie], and Kathy Najimy, who are all fantastic to speak with. Michael was talking about how he's done the coming out story before, and he's done stories about homophobia, and that while there's still a place for those, [he said] that it was nice to do something that was not about that, that it was by and for queer people. And that also he hopes that maybe a queer kid will be watching this at home and get some representation on screen that way. And Kathy Najimy, as someone who's done a lot of work for the LGBTQ community, I think it was really important and exciting for her to be a part of this as well. And that way. And for Philemon, obviously, he's new on the scene, but again, it's exciting for him to be a part of something really cool.

BuzzFeed Daily: So it's time to talk about Jennifer Coolidge, who has been described as a gay icon. You know, the screenwriter Chad Hodge actually wrote the role of Sandy with her in mind. In my opinion, she was the best part of the film, but I am biased. I love her deeply. Did she become even more of a queer icon in your eyes because of this role?

Jennifer Coolidge in Single All the Way

BuzzFeed Daily: I do think every gay screenwriter writes at least one role in the film for Jennifer Coolidge, and then it's just a matter of if she's available, right?

Netflix / Via

DO: Right, I feel like you kind of have to.

BuzzFeed Daily: All right, well, moving on, one of the big themes in your review is how this is a queer story that isn't about coming out or about not being accepted by your family or another kind of traumatic event. But rather it's just simply a rom-com about queer people. Do you think we're going to start to see even more TV and movies about queer stories that aren't traumatic?

Philemon Chambers and Michael Urie in Single All the Way

Moving on, in the rest of the show, we talked about Lady Gaga's thoughts on how method acting has affected her — and it sounds like it wasn’t always in a good way.

We also discussed our supreme jealousy of this couple who randomly got their photo taken by Cher.

As always, thanks for listening! And if you ever want to suggest stories or just want to say hi, you can reach us at