6th-grader delivers best apology of all time for prank call to 911 dispatcher

Since at least 1992, when Snoop Dogg was heard doing it in the intro to a track on Dr. Dre’s epic debut album, “The Chronic,” shouting “deez nuts” as the answer to practically any question has been an infallible favorite for boys of all ages. The more than 10 million views — and 81,518 likes — on this 15-second video is proof.

So its not exactly shocking that a sixth-grade boy used the line on a 911 dispatcher in Savannah, Ga., this week. He can’t possibly be the first adolescent to do such a thing, but he might be the first to write a handwritten apology for it.

A sixth-grader's handwritten apology for prank-calling 911 goes viral.
A sixth-grader's handwritten apology for prank-calling 911 goes viral.

“Last night I called and said ‘Dezz [sic] Nuts,” confessed the unnamed tween, whose parents not only demanded that he write an apology, but also took him to the Savannah-Chatham County 911 Center to read it aloud to the on-duty responders.

“What happened was that me and my friends we’re [sic] talking and I got dared to call you,” he explained in the letter, which the Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department posted on its website this week. “I know this was stupid but I was not listening to myself but I did knew [sic] it was wrong. Please forgive me.”

The remorseful rascal went on to ask for forgiveness about three more times, and wrote, “I know there will be consequences for my actions and I will not complain about them.”

Forgive him they did and, according to the post on the Savannah-Chatham police website, they even took the kid and his parents on a tour of the 911 center, emphasizing how unfunny it can be when prank callers distract dispatchers from real emergencies. Lt. Jeff Olson, head of the Savannah-Chatham 911 emergency communications team, apparently even called the prankster’s parents later to thank them.

But their discipline didn’t end with the public atonement. According to the police department, the jokester’s parents still had him on “lockdown.” Whether he’s followed through on his promise to “not complain” about it hasn’t been confirmed.