Sky Shorts: NASA's DART mission to test asteroid deflector impactor

Back on July 26, astronomers were surprised to discover an asteroid wider than 2 football fields that eventually zoomed by Earth on Aug. 4. The asteroid known as 2022 OE2 orbits the Sun and crosses the path of Earth’s orbit. Fortunately, it missed by a large margin!

Asteroids are rocky, airless remnants that orbit the Sun and are among the most ancient objects in the solar system. Asteroids are left over from the early formation of our solar system, about 4.6 billion years ago. By studying asteroids, we can learn about the history of the sun and planets. The latest asteroid count, according to NASA, is 1,113,527. Most of these can be found orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter, an area called the asteroid belt. The largest asteroid, Vesta, is 329 miles in diameter, the smallest are less than 33 feet across. A fascinating point is that the total mass of all asteroids combined is less than that of Earth’s moon.

However, asteroid impacts can be devastating, regardless of size. An asteroid the size of a house can do extensive damage to a city. One the size of a 20-story building can destroy a major city. Asteroids 7 to 8 miles long would destroy much of life, while one 60 miles wide would completely wipe out life on Earth.

Fortunately for us Earthlings, NASA keeps an eye on tens of thousands of near-Earth objects. By estimating the trajectories of these asteroids, NASA has reported that Earth is in no danger of cataclysmic asteroid impact for at least 100 years. But astronomers keep in mind that a minor change in trajectory, from a collision with another asteroid or gravitational pull of a planet, could place that asteroid in a collision course with Earth. In January 2016, NASA established the Planetary Defense Coordination Office to detect and warn of potential asteroid or comet impacts.

NASA’s OSIRIS-Rex spacecraft mission collected a material sample from a potentially hazardous asteroid, Bennu, that could possibly impact Earth around 2182. The touch and go sample was successfully collected on Oct. 20, 2020, and will return to Earth on Sept. 24, 2023. This will help astronomers and scientists to learn about the physical and chemical properties in the event of mitigating impact in 2182.

NASA’s DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) mission, which launched on 11/23/21, is the first ever space mission to demonstrate asteroid deflection by a kinetic impactor. DART could help the world’s space agencies figure out how to divert potentially lethal asteroids from hitting Earth. The target is a binary asteroid called Didymos, which consists of larger (2,600 feet) and smaller asteroid (525 feet). Didymos poses no threat to Earth. NASA will aim at the smaller asteroid hoping the direct impact will slow the asteroid’s orbit, enough that Earth based telescopes can study the effect. DART will hit Didymos B in late September, at 15,000 mph, destroying the spacecraft. DART’s companion, LICIACube (Light Italian CubeSat for Imagining Asteroids), contributed by the Italian Space Agency, was installed on the spacecraft. LICIACube will deploy 10 days before impact and will provide essential images of the impact and plume of materials. It will be interesting to learn of the results of this important mission!

Artemis – NASA’s return to the Moon is launching soon! NASA’s first big step in returning astronauts to the Moon, the launch of Artemis I, might take place between Aug. 29-Sept. 5. Artemis I is an uncrewed first flight of the powerful launch vehicle, the Space Launch System and the Orion crew capsule. Artemis I will be a 26-day mission, spending six days orbiting the Moon, before returning to Earth.

Night Sky for September

Planets and the Moon − The planet show has returned to the evening sky. The spotlight shines on Saturn, one hour after sunset. By 9 p.m. in early September, Saturn can be found 20 degrees high in the southeastern sky, glowing at magnitude 0.3. This is a great time to view Saturn’s rings due to a tilt of 15 degrees. It will be a full five years before the rings are open to fully enjoy the entire ring system again. Jupiter reaches opposition Sept. 26 and will be visible from dusk to dawn. Jupiter rises at 8:30 p.m. Sept. 1 and by sunset at the end of the month. It will shine at magnitude -2.9, the brightest object in the night sky except for the Moon. Mercury will be very low in the western sky the first two weeks of September. It will be hard to spot for Northern Hemisphere observers. Neptune reaches opposition Sept. 16, visible all night, shining at magnitude 7.7 in northeastern Aquarius. Best to grab binoculars and locate Jupiter, which is 11 degrees east of Neptune. Uranus can be found in Aries, the Ram all month and shines at magnitude 5.7. With binoculars you may be able to find Uranus 13 degrees north of the star Mekar in Cetus. Mars joins the bright red, orange star Aldebaran in Taurus, the Bull. At magnitude -0.2 Mars outshines Aldebaran. Mars will brighten to magnitude -0.6 by Sept. 30. Mars passes 4 degrees north of Aldebaran on Sept. 8 and rises 10 p.m. at the end of the month. At the end of month, Mars, Aldebaran and Betelgeuse form a lovely triangle after 10 p.m. Venus shines brilliant at magnitude -3.9, in early to mid-September, in the predawn sky. The Moon pairs with Saturn on Sept. 7-8, Neptune on Sept. 10, Jupiter on Sept. 11, Uranus on Sept. 14 and Mars on Sept. 16.


West: The bright yellow, orange star, is Arcturus. Above Arcturus is a semi-circle of stars, the Northern Crown or Corona Borealis. Continuing up, you will see a keystone or crooked square shape, which is the body of Hercules.

North: The Big Dipper continues to swing down in the northwestern sky. Following the two stars at the end of the cup to the next bright star, Polaris, or the North Star. The constellation Cassiopeia, the “W” shape, is to the right of Polaris.

East: High overhead, the bright blue, white star is Vega. Down and to the left is Deneb and continuing to the right is Altair. Connect these three bright stars to make the Summer Triangle. Head back to Deneb, imagine this to be the tail of Cygnus, the Swan. To the right will be three stars in a line. These would be the outstretched wings. Extending from the wings would be the long neck and head of the swan. The head of Cygnus is a double star, Albireo. Below the Summer Triangle is a kite shape in the stars, Delphinus, the Dolphin. Just below Delphinus are four stars that form a square, the Great Square of Pegasus.

South: The red, orange star, Antares, is the heart of Scorpius. To the left of Antares, the teapot shape is Sagittarius.

Binocular Highlights: Starting inside the Summer Triangle, scan right, all the way to the left of Antares, in the southern sky and left, from the Triangle to Cassiopeia in the northern sky. You will see an abundance of stars which are part of our Milky Way galaxy! For a challenge, find Vega and Altair, two of the Summer Triangle stars. Scan one third of the way up from Altair to Vega. You will find a group of stars that resemble a upside down coat hanger. Locate Cassiopeia. From the top point of the W shape, scan to the right and up slightly to find a fuzzy object which is the Andromeda Galaxy. From the bottom point of the W scan to the right and down slightly and you will see the Double Cluster in Perseus.

For further night sky details, maps and audio, visit my website

Visit Hoover Price Planetarium

There will be planetarium shows every Saturday starting Sept. 10. Visit, for show dates and times! Planetarium shows are free with Museum admission. Seating is limited and will be on a first come, first serve basis. The Planetarium is located inside the McKinley Presidential Library & Museum, 800 McKinley Monument Drive, NW in Canton. For more information, please call the Museum at 330-455-7043.

Suzie Dills
Suzie Dills

This article originally appeared on The Repository: Sky Shorts: NASA's DART mission to test asteroid deflector impactor