This SLO County city nearly broke an almost 40-year-old heat record. Here’s how hot it got

Paso Robles came close to breaking an almost 40-year-old temperature record on Thursday — but ultimately it ended up tying the record instead.

According to the National Weather Service, the temperature in the North County city hit a high of 99 degrees as a fall heat wave swept across the region. That tied it for the temperature record previously set on the same day in 1984.

The tied record comes as unseasonably warm temperatures for October hit the area for the third day in a row. The NWS even issued a heat advisory on Thursday morning for much of the county.

Paso Robles and San Miguel were forecast to hit highs in the upper 90s by this afternoon, while Atascadero and Templeton would be in the low 90s.

The heat advisory didn’t include areas such as San Luis Obispo or coastal towns and cities, though those communities were expected to see temperatures reaching the high 80s.

What’s next in SLO County’s forecast?

On Friday and into the weekend, the Weather Service predicts a cool-down for the Central Coast.

Temperatures likely will barely breach the low 90s for areas such as Paso Robles and San Miguel, while remaining in the low 80 degrees for Atascadero and Templeton.

San Luis Obispo should see temperatures in the high 70s. Coastal areas can expect fair weather in the high 60s.

Saturday, Paso Robles and San Miguel will likely see cooler temperatures in the high 70s. Atascadero, Templeton and San Luis Obispo will be in the low 70s, the Weather Service predicts.

Meanwhile, coastal areas will experience temperatures in the low 60s.